Chapter 2

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"I woke up to the sun shining onto my face, I rolled over in my sleeping bag and got out. Dad wasn't in the tent anymore and neither was mom, I came out of the tent and saw Carl waiting for me next to it. "Hey Sophia, wanna go down into the woods with me and the other kids? An adult will be with us." Carl said.

"Sure, but I have to go ask my mom first."


"I walked over to my mom, she was during laundry with the other women in the group, "hey mom, can I go with Carl and the other kids to the woods? An adult will be with us." I asked.

"Mom sighed and looked at me for a second until she looked back down at the clothes, "alright fine, but stay close to the rest." She said.

"Okay thanks mom!" I said and skipped over to Carl. "She said I can go." I told Carl.

"Yes! Alright let's go." Carl grabbed my head and we headed over to the woods."

"We where playing a game of tag, I ran towards somewhere I wish I didn't, I screamed when I saw it, that caused Carl to come over to me, there was the dead, eating a deer! I screamed so loud and ran back to camp, almost everyone from camp ran towards us. They ran out of sight towards the dead person. Mom took me to Lori, I stood there and waited for everyone else to come back. When they did, a red neck man with squirrels where with them I think his name is Daryl."

"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!" Daryl yelled. But Merle wasn't here.

"I got us some squirrel, let's stew 'em up." He yelled.

"Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane said.

"Bout what?"

"About Merle,"
"There was a— there was a problem in Atlanta."

"He dead?"

"We're not sure."

"He either is or he ain't!"

"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it," Rick said walking over to Daryl and Shane.

"Who are you?" Daryl questioned Rick.

"Rick grimes."

"Rick grimes, you go somethin you wanna tell me?!"

I heard then auguring, and someone grabbed onto my hand, I looked up and saw Lori, she had lead me into the RV with Carl. Carl sat down on a chair and I sat across from him. "Do you think Daryl likes my dad?" Carl asked me.

"I don't know, maybe he's just mad since his brother is gone. They will get along soon."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"You know Sophia, I think we used to go to the same school,"


"Yeah, we have Math together."

"Oh wow I didn't know, guess I don't really pay attention much in that class. Probably why I was failing."

"Carl chuckled and grabbed a deck of cards, "wanna play?" He asked me.



After about 40 minutes of being in the RV we stepped out, I saw the van they drove here drive off, "mom? Where's dad?" Carl asked his mother. "Well um— he went to Atlanta with t-dog, Daryl and glenn, they went to go get Merle." Lori told her son. "B—but he just got back- why did he leave?"

Sophia Peletier -Carols daughter- twdDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora