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Possible TW~ Talking bad about oneself (Roman's dyslexic and colorblind)

"Seriously?!" Roman yelled out as he threw himself back on his bed in frustration. Virgil just sat there beside him with this soft look in his eyes as the wolf actually started to tear up. "Patton and Logan didn't need this much trouble and those two needed glasses!"

"In Logan's defense... He only needed glasses because his eyes were too good. It made it hard for him to focus when he could see every tiny detail." Roman whined as Virgil sighed and set his own book down. "And once Patton got his glasses he could actually see the words well enough to read them." Roman only whined again louder making Virgil's eyes narrow. "AND you have still yet to tell us what exactly it is going on with you."

"I DON'T KNOW!" Roman yelled as he threw his book at the wall making Virgil shoot him a glare. Roman cringed at the noise only to deflate as he looked away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw it. I'm just frustrated. It's hard enough dealing with all that color shit that makes no fucking sense. Thomas keeps pointing to shit calling them all different things like... green? What's so different between green, yellow, brown, or red... they all look the same!" Virgil's face fell as Roman crashed and just held his head in his hands. "If it was just the color thing... I could deal with that... maybe. But this shit... how are you all expecting me to read these squiggles when they won't stop moving?!"

"Moving?" Virgil was up and over to him in seconds. He knew how badly Roman could spiral over feeling like he was stupid or inadequate. That's why Roman always did his lessons separate from everyone else. That way he couldn't compare himself to others, at least not more than he already does. "What do you mean they're moving?"

"I... It's just... They... I can't focus on them. I don't know."

"Hey, it's ok. It's me... you know I'm not going to judge." Virgil smiled softly as Roman finally looked up at him with such a defeated expression, it actually hit that cat hard. "We're in this together right."

"You can read." Roman gave a broken laugh as he gestured with his figure tracing a letter out in the air. "And I still can't figure out if this is a 'b'." Virgil sighed as he shook his head making Roman completely crash.

"Actually Ro, that's a 'd' the 'b' goes the other way."

"Exactly, my point. I'm done." Roman growled as he laid back again roughly raking his fingers through his hair. "I'm too stupid to read."

"Roman, you are not stupid. You're a wolf, remember..."

"Well, this wolf is highly stupid!" Roman growled out angrily as Virgil moved closer to him so they could meet each others' eyes without Roman having to move. "Virgil, Logan and Patton both are already reading. Logan was reading before the lessons even started. He was figuring out the right words without any assistance."

"He's been around things like signs, Roman. It's was easier for him to pick up on it because he's seen it all before."

"And Patton?" Virgil sighed as Roman just shot his this look, shaking his head with a sad smile. "See... nothing."


"The squiggles confuse me, Virgil." Roman whined as he turned to look over towards where he threw the book. "They confuse me."

"So we try something new." Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil carefully got up and grabbed the book Roman had thrown. It wasn't a difficult book at all but Virgil could tell how frustrated Roman was with himself over it. Of course, if you couldn't read at all then it made sense that it was difficult for him. 

"Virgil, no. I gave up. I'm done trying. I'm too stupid."

"Roman, stop." Virgil smiled sadly as he pushed himself against the wall gesturing for Roman to sit with him as he opened the child's book to the first page. "It's ok, Roman. I'm going to try something ok?"

"If this doesn't work... I really am done." Roman said in such a broken tone before sighing and moving beside the other. Virgil pointed to the first word and smiled softly as Roman squinted his eyes a bit. "It keeps moving. I can't..."

"It's ok, Ro. I'm not asking you to read ok? I'm asking you to listen." Roman nodded as he scooched closer. Virgil tapped the word against before covering all but the first letter. "'T'..." He moved to the next covering the first and last letter, letting Roman focus on the page again. "'H'." Roman smiled a bit as Virgil repeated the process to the last letter. "'E'." He did it all again from first to last before uncovering the word, making sure the other words were all covered instead. "The."

"The?" Roman lit up as he took the book and just eyed the one word down. "T. H. E... The... Wait... Virgil? Is that a T too or..." Roman pointed to another word.

"Close that's a J. But they do look very similar... we might need to start with an easier font." Roman just blinked a bit as Virgil chuckled. "Don't worry about it right now, Roman. Why don't we keep going. Start with the first letter and work from there."

"But it keeps moving..." Roman whined again, clearly getting overwhelmed again until Virgil covered the letters again making it easier for Roman to focus on the right thing. "Oh... better."

"Do you remember what letter it is?" Roman scrunched up his face before groaning in anxiety as he shrugged.

"Is... Is it an I? Wait no. It's an L... right?"

"Right." Virgil beamed moving his finger a bit to reveal the next letter making Roman's eyes light up. "That's an I. A lower case one right?" The further they went and Roman was already feeling better about himself. "Li...Lit...Lit-lE?"

"Close. Really close, Ro. When the E is at the end of a word it's silent. In this case, the word sounds like more like lit-til."

"Little?" Virgil nodded as Roman glanced about the page a bit more. "The little... d- no b? Is that a b?" Virgil nodded again and Roman's eyes lit up in pride. "Ok. The little b... b-b... o. Wait what does that letter sound like again? I can't remember." Virgil could little see the light returning to Roman's eyes and he was happy. He just had to work with him. He's going to have to talk to Thomas about new teaching methods but... as long as Roman feels like he can get somewhere then that's all that matters to him. It doesn't matter how long it takes... just as long as Roman can in fact get there. "Virgil? What sound does this make?"

"The Y?" Roman nodded as he tried to sound out the word before looking back up to Virgil with this child-like expression the cat hadn't seen since Amy. It really hit him hard. "Ok. Here. I'll sound it out for you."

*Discontinued* Animorpheus~ PrinxietyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz