32. Confrontation.

Start from the beginning

Quiverwing snarled, as she modified the currently loaded crossbow bolt. - "I'll show you..."

Louie was expecting this vigilante to be all bark and no bite, using the crossbow just to intimidate him into giving up, not actually shooting at him, but he was quickly proven wrong. Diving to his right, the teenage thief just managed to dodge the bolt that the women had fired at his feet, watching as a putty like substance covered the floor where his feet just were.

"What the hell is that?"

The woman seemingly ignored his question, and began reloading her crossbow. - "You're fast. But that doesn't mean you're going to win!" - She shouted as she fired another bolt out.

"Careful." - Louie chastised as he leapt backwards up on to the platform. Another putty projectile exploding at his feet. - "You almost hit me." - He smiled.

She loaded another bolt and fired it, noticing it was a different one than the previous two, Louie snatched the circular shield from the Viking mannequin and threw it, the second the two collided a net sprang and encased the shield.

The two stood in silence, and stared the other down.

Louie sighed. - "I guess we're doing this." - He quickly dived out of the way as another bolt shot forth. He quickly zig-zagged between the display cases until he escaped out of view of the heroine.

Rearming her crossbow, QuiverWing stashed the sword on her back, she began her search for the green-clad thief.

"I thought the only hero in St. Canard was Darkwing Duck." - His voice echoed through the hall. - "Are you some sort of crazed fan-girl or something?"

"No. I'm his crime-fighting partner!"

There was a silence. - "Oh I get it, you're his sidekick!"

She spotted a shadowy figure move across the room. - "No! I'm his partner!" - She shouted, before firing another putty bolt at it. The figure dodging, before disappearing back into the shadows.

"Stop running and fight!" - She shouted sprinting over to the last place she saw him.

Out of nowhere a knife flew towards her and before she could block it sliced through the crossbow wire and imbedded itself into the wall behind her.

"You gotta love the Japanese and their kunai's." - He stepped forward, and smiled. - "Now what are you going to do without your little crossbow?"

Smiling, the teen collapsed the two limbs of her crossbow, before holstering it, she then reached behind her back and drew a small metal cylinder, flicking her wrist, the cylinder extended into a full length metal staff.

Louie looked utterly dumbfounded. - "Are you an armoury or something?"

"No I'm just prepared." - She sprinted forward and swung the staff, Louie just managing to avoid it, but not the kick she delivered straight to his guts.

"Cheap shot." - He wheezed as he retreated further and further backwards.

"Said the man who used a throwing knife to destroy my crossbow!"

Grabbing the halbert beside him, Louie deflected her next blow.

"I was just evening the playing-field." - The two's weapons clashed again. - "Just like I'm doing now."

Again and again, the two's attacks ere either dodged or blocked, the two being seemingly even matched in combat, and neither was able to gain an upper hand.

"Pause. Give me... Give me a second to catch my breath..." - Louie requested as he sat and leaned against one of the exhibits for support.

Quiverwing was using her staff as a makeshift cane. - "Fine with... me." - She huffed

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