The final battle

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I woke up into my familiar environment, my room. Exposed and covered in the sweet blood and soft sheets. He brought me in there after I fall asleep. So I cleaned the weak body, barely standing on my feet. And then leading to the resting room where Ms. Venable informed us about the party. The last day of their life celebrated with a masquerade.

Halloween. The most beautiful day of the year actually, when death and suffocation will occur after tasting from the delicious apples. I wish I could tell them everything, but the urge of seeing them giving their last breath was way to powerful.

"-Ms. Carmen..." Ms. Mead looked at me and I knew what she wanted. So I left the pieces of my victorian on process costume, and accompanied her to Michaels chamber.
Before I entered...

"-You will be safe right?"

"-You don't have to worry about me. I am the only one she trusts. I'll be more than safe"

And with a hug I watch her turning the corner.

As I opened the door I found him focused on his laptop, so I sat down on the bed, waiting.

"-You told me Mallory will defeat me, but you ommited to say how" he said without turning to face me.

"-With a powerful spell. She will go back in time and she will kill the young version of you. A cowardly move, even for them"

"-Less brave, but smart. Cordelia must not be underestimated"

"-You will wait until they bite the apples and Mallory is all yours" he said smiling.

"-My honour" I replied while standing up in front of him, lips close.

"-What I'll do when they come? I can't fight them, I have no magic"

"-You don't need to. Their powers will not be able to touch you. The ritual makes you indestructible when it comes to magic power. Of course, the rule doesn't apply for me. I can hurt you"

"-Then I must be careful not making any mistakes"

"-Follow the plan and I will not punish you"

And so he touched my lips with his and disappeared.

All the time until the party I spent it with Gallant in a small hiding place he found. This way he could not be find so neither poisoned. And when that moment came, I was running to my room pretending I feel sick. Ms. Venables face was priceless when I ruined her plan. Well, a part of it. But instead of my chamber, I went to hers. She wasn't planning on coming there and I needed a safe place to hide so she cannot come after me.

I went out after ten minutes, and with the sound of a sharp and shining axe crawling upon the floor, I lead for the crime scene. It was a mess, bodies everywhere, apples half bitten on the floor.

And so, with an insatiable thirst for revenge, I took Mallory's fresh corpse and placed it upon the big dinner table, taking off the items. And I started cutting. The feeling of warm blood covering my face and clothes, the satisfaction could not be described in words. Every piece destined to burn into the fireplace. Until there was nothing left of her, exepting the red colored wood.
A remarkable work. Art.

By the time went I turned back to Michael and entered, delighting my eyes with Ms. Venables lifeless body on the floor, while Ms.Mead was helping Michael to change his coat.

"-I see the plan gives fruits" he nodded after seeing me covered in blood.

"-Delicious ones" I said excited.

"-They are here".
And so they left the room in searching the witches.

"-...I'm not here to defeat anyone".
Voices where heard downstairs, the women having a dispute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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