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After doing my morning routine and just as I lay back in bed, i feel the need of opening the door to see who is disperately knocking.

"-Good morning my child"  I see Ms.Mead wearing one of her smile she always does around me. She enters allowing me to close behind her. Surprisingly I gave her a hug and she does nothing but returning it back.

"-What's wrong" she asked obviously worried

"-Let just say I needed this", I reply wearing a fake smile. "-Why are you here?"

"-Ms. Venable. She asked to bring you to her room".

"-For?" the expression of disgust immediately visible upon my face.

"-Just come. You will found out soon".
Having no choice but giving what she wanted, I head to her office.

"-Take a sit Ms.Carmen" says as sincronically we both sit on the chair in front of the roaring fireplace.

"-What is happening between you and Mr. Langdon?" asked with her unmoved stare bathed into a bowl of jealousy.
She wasn't that hard to read, at least not to a predictor of death.

"-I don't understand" i answer knowing damn well what was she doing. I wasn't going to give her the occasion of finding out the truth.

"-I have no time for games Ms.Carmen. What does he finds so magnific about you that makes him require your everyday presence into his office?" 

"-The cooperating of course. It seems that he is enjoying making us uncomfortable with his inappropriate questions, and he cannot get enough of it" I say, this time with a bit of truth in my answer.

"-Who are you trying to fool with your acting?" she raises up obviously trying to get upon my nerves, again.

"-I don't know what are you tal-...".

"-Ms. Carmen, there is no doubt that you and Ms. Langdon are breaking the rules! Why else would he ask for you every single day for the past week?".

"-And what is the rule are we breaking? The made up more 'sacred rule' of yours? That's right, I am smart enough to figure out that you were lying aaalll the time about everything. Those rules are fake, just as your opinion about me and Michael" while saying those I storm up from the sit and stay in front of her looking at her now angry expression.

That was more than satisfying.
But now she puts up an evil smirk and...

"-So now is 'Michael'?.
"-You just gave me what I wanted" laughs and walk behind my back.

"-A reason to have me punished for something I didn't do. A moment you are waiting for such a long time" I turn facing her again. "-What are you going to do? Punish him too? Well of course not, because you are afraid of him aren't you? So you try to find a reason for exterminating us all so you can be sure he will take you to the Sanctuary".

I was biting more than I could chew but I couldn't stop. I was angry not because of her accusations but because those accusations were not true.
I wanted to be.

Every day he called for me, I hoped for more than to be questioned about my fellow mates. His teasing while replying back with his annoying words was more than I could take. Especially when he disappeared leaving me there craving.

A hunger not only for him, but for the darkness he provided. But not matter how strong that hunger was, I still wanted to remain the innocent creature I, well , thought I was untill he poisoned my mind. Until he claimed all I was, and I was subconsciously letting him. Woking up the dark and twisted part I was trying to hide behind the image of fake innocence.

"-Even if all of these are not true I can easily punish you for speaking in such a disrespectful tone".

Of course she could, she enjoyed to be the one that caused suffering.

"-Then what are you waiting f-...?"

"-Ms.Venable" Ms.Mead said while opening the door interruption us.

"-Excuse me, but Mr.Langdon requires Ms.Carmen immediately".
I gaved her a look that described how satisfied I was hearing Ms.Mead. I proudly exit when my dear Ms.Mead gives me a smile allowing me to know that she heard the conversation and that she would never let that bitch to punish me.

Respectfully I knocked and immediately entered his room just to find him in front of the fire with cross feet. So I sat down and before having the opportunity to say a word his remark took me by surprise.

"-You're angry. Seems that Ms.Venable does her dirty job very well" says while turns his gaze to me.

In that moment I figured that he had a man inside. I was relieved to know it was the one that just saved me from a undeserved punishment...

Unpredictable desireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon