Michael Langdon

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Heavy footsteps were heard followed by the curious looks of my fellow mates, excepting mine who were stoned upon the floor waiting for them to finally stop. Once entering the room, I felt like collapsing. The wave of dark energy his presence brought into the room gave me the fear of my life.  When I looked up I saw a well dressed man, with long blonde hair claiming his place in front of the room. Ms. Venable intimidated by the expression of the charming man, eventually forgets her pride for a moment and gives up, moving to the left side of the fireplace.

"-My name is Michael Langdon and I represent the Cooperative" he said, his voice sending shivers down my spine. He wore the perfume of pure evil. Terrified I moved a sit back into the couch hitting Mr. Gallant in the process who took my hand, giving me an confused look before turning his attention to Langdon, who stopped talking for a moment when he saw my weird reaction.

He then continued talking until the conversation ended with Gallant leaving my hand and rising his followed by a
"I'll go first" comment making me woke up from my trance. The man left, his presence clearing the room taking with him the feeling I had since I first put my foot in here that very long time ago. Ms.Venable leaving us without saying anything else was no surprise since she preferred to forget that
moment of weakness.

The murmuring started but I was no willing to stay any longer and hear their stupid comments about what just happened, especially when I barely payed attention to the man's words. So I left too, so fast that I felt everyone's eyes upon me while basically run out of there.
Entering my room, I stared at the wall for hours, in darkness, processing the events that took place until I finally fell asleep. And then it happened. After all that time with nothing else just simply weird nightmares, I finally had one that made me woke up in terror.

I saw him, Michael, in the middle of a pentagram, covered in blood running from his cuts upon his arms. The same words repeating again and again:
"Ave Satanas".
Until he raised his look from the floor and looked at me with black dark eyes.

I jumped, breathing heavily when I realized my white night dress and sheets being now red. Blood. It was from the carved to elbow cut I made in my sleep. I was not shocked still. Things like that I did in the past too, my fetish for blood was more an insatiable hunger for macabre things but what I saw on the wall behind me made was beyond any of my perceptions about the supernatural world. The same latin words from the nightmare painted with blood. Calm, I went to the bathroom, cleaned everything and bandaged the cuts. Surprisingly after all the blood I lost and still losing turning the bandage red, I was more than fine. Exepting the fact that I saw Michael, I never felt more relaxed and satisfied.

Leaving the room, there was no way I will tell anyone about what took place that night. But no matter what I felt around him, I was decided to talk to Michael and tell him everything when my time of questioning arrives. He was intimidating, evil. I could tell by only one glance I took of him. But little do I knew when I first stepped into his room that  all those feelings were about to be the opposite of these I had now...

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