Episode Six

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Both boys stared at her in shock as Ro slowly applauded. Everyone ignored her.

"Fitz. You punched Keefe?"

"It was an accident!" he said defensively.

"I said don't lie to me!"

"Actually-" Keefe cut in. "I don't think he really meant to do it."

Sophie sighed. "Fine. But I still don't understand why you're trying to break us up."

Keefe looked at her, shock and hurt in his eyes. "You... you just said you weren't happy."

"Well I won't be happy all the time! That's normal. People fight. Just because Fitz and I don't agree on everything doesn't mean he's abusing me."

Keefe watched her for several more seconds. "I can't convince you?"

"Convince me of what?"

"Never mind." He started to walk out the door, but Ro blocked him. Keefe just raised his crystal to the light and disappeared, Ro grabbing his arm at the last second.

FItz turned to Sophie. "Look. I'm really sorry, Sophie. He was telling me what to do, and I got mad, and it just... happened. I swear I didn't mean to. Can you forgive me?"

Sophie studied his face. "It's not for me to forgive. But since I think Keefe already did, so do I."

Fitz's face clouded over. "So that's how it is? Keefe is, so are you?"

Sophie sighed. "I don't want to fight, Fitz. I love you. But this keeps happening. What can I do to make you feel better about us?"

"I told you. Stay away from him."

"And I told you, I didn't ask him to come!" Sophie regretted her outburst the moment it left her lips. Her legs buckled under his glare, and she crumpled back to her knees. She didn't look at Fitz. "I'm sorry. Please, I didn't mean that. I should've told him to go."

"Yeah, you should have. But you didn't, because you were only thinking about you. What about me? I keep giving you more chances, putting up with your 'mistakes,' and waiting and waiting and WAITING! Well, I can't wait ANYMORE! So you need to make a decision, right now. Me. Or him."

In the back of her mind, Sophie knew this wasn't right. She shouldn't have to choose. She should be allowed to have other friends. But at that moment, the only feeling in her body was frantic desperation to make him happy again. To earn his love. To fill the hole in her chest.

So when Fitz reached out his hand to her, she took it. He pulled her to her feet and looked her in the eyes. "Good." Then he pulled her closer and kissed her. Sophie wanted to pull away, but knew that would unravel what she had just patched up. So she kissed him back, mustering emotions she couldn't make herself feel.


Sophie didn't want to go to school the next morning. Her parents were obviously worried, but Sophie wouldn't say anything. Right about the time her second class would've started, Fitz hailed her.

"Sophie, where are you? Rumors are going around that we broke up. What on earth are you doing?"

"Just tired," she lied.

"Well then, have some coffee and get over here! No one believes me!" he snapped. He looked like he was about to hang up, then added- "And you should put on some makeup. You're a mess." The screen went black.

Sophie's first instinct was to get mad, but she smothered the feeling. Fitz must be having an awful time with the rumors at school. So she got dressed quickly, applying a little makeup to hide the dark circles under her eyes. Then she hurried to the Leapmaster and leaped to school, yelling down the stairs to her parents that she felt better and was leaving.

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