Episode Three

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The rest of Sophie's day went by in a blur of barely returned kisses and homework and strange looks from friends. She barely made it through the day without breaking down again, but she held it together until she was almost to the Leapmaster. She watched Fitz leap ahead of her.

Just a few more seconds, Sophie. Just a few more-

It was no use. Just before she reached the Leapmaster, tears started streaming down her face. Her knees buckled out from under her and she crumpled to the ground in a heap, sobs wracking her body. She heard confused and slightly concerned whispers around her, but didn't have the energy to care.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Does anyone know her?"

"I don't know her."

"Dex knows her. Hey Dex, your girlfriend is having a meltdown."

"No, Princess Prettypants is his girlfriend. I heard that girl's dating Fitz Vacker."


"Sophie? Sophie, what's wrong?" Dex, who had apparently been pushed through the crowds towards her, sounded worried. "Are you hurt?"

Sophie barely managed a shake of her head before breaking down into more ugly choking sobs. Dex hovered for a second, unsure of what to do. Just then, another familiar face pushed through the crowd.

"Back up, Dizznee. I'll take it from here."

Sophie felt hands gently pull her by her arms to her feet. The petite girl whispered in her ear, "You're going to have to walk a little, I can't carry you." Sophie struggled to put some of her weight on her own feet as the girl led her through the halls and eventually sat her down on a bench. Sophie met Marella's eyes. "Thank you. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened."

"Preeeeetty sure it's called a meltdown. Which, by the way, makes zero sense. I literally saw Fitz Vacker kiss you this morning. You should be dancing through the halls, not sobbing in a heap. What's your problem?"

"Actually... I'm not sure. I am happy, really. But it's so much more complicated than that. I'm sorry, I'm not really ready to talk about it."

"Fine. But we will be revisiting this. And you owe me, by the way. Dizznee here was super overwhelmed." Sophie looked up to realize that Dex had followed them. He was bright pink.

"I was not. I would've helped her."

"Yeah, you would have. But not as well as I did." Marella smirked, tossing her hair and standing up. "Bye." She strutted down the hallway away from them.

Dex stared after her for a minute. Then he turned to Sophie. "Umm... you okay?"

"No. But I will be. Thanks. Sorry."

"Do... do you need help getting home?"

"No. Thanks, Dex. Thanks for being there."

"Yeah." His dimples peeked out a little. "That's what best friends are for."

She smiled gratefully at him. She didn't deserve her friends. She stood up and gave him a quick hug. "See you tomorrow."

"Yep." They walked back to the Leapmaster, where almost everyone had cleared out.

As Sophie called for Havenfield and stepped into the light, her worries seemed just a little farther away.


Sophie collapsed face down onto her bed, trying to sort through her emotions. She was a mess. Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She didn't have the energy to look up as feet padded softly over and the bed dipped beside her. A hand began to rub her back gently, and only then did Sophie realize that she was crying again. But the steady rubbing on her back helped, and she was able to speak after a minute.

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