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Gas Station

Sam was examining the laid out map on the Impala, Dean was standing off to the side on the phone while keeping an eye on Aurora who was laying on the roof of the Impala and describing the clouds.

"Ok. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here." Sam informs as Dean lowers the cellphone with a thoughtful look. "We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam looks up from the map for Dean's approval.

"Yeah. Problem is we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean announces,walking to the driver side.

"We what?" Sam questions,confused at the sudden information. Dean doesn't answer him as he takes Aurora off from the roof,ignoring her pouting and pleads to continue cloud guessing.

"I just got a call from an,uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night,think it might be our kind of thing." Dean vaguely states making Sam even more confused.

"What?" Sam questions.

"Yeah. Believe me, she never would called,never, if she didn't need us." Dean places Aurora in her seat,Aurora looking out the window in sadness as Dean gets in the front seat.

Dean looks to Sam who was still standing out the car with a look of disbelief. "Come on,are you coming or what?" Dean urges and Sam shakes his head before getting in.


" 'Fee fi fo fum I spell the blood of an English man." Aurora reads quietly from her story book as the Impala cruises down the road to their next destination.

Dean glances at her through the mirror as he thinks about how her birthday was in a few days. Sam and Dean had already bought Aurora her gifts and hid it in the arsenal so the young girl wouldn't find it.
The brothers each got her two presents because they want to make her birthdays special with the life they live.

"By old friend you mean...?" Sam trailing off brings Dean out of his thoughts.

"A friend that's not new." Dean responds,keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh yeah,thanks." Sam sarcastically states with a slight scoff. "So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her..." Sam continues,his curiosity getting the best of him,trying to figure out why the person was so important.

"Didn't I?" Dean pretends to be confused in hope's of avoiding the upcoming conversation. Dean glances at Sam who was looking at him to continue. "Yeah,we went out." Dean shrugs as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

Sam nods as he thinks about his next words wisely,not wanting to hurt his brother. "Was this before or after you met Emily?" Sam wonders and notices how Dean tenses up and his knuckles become white.

Dean looks to Aurora in the back seat where her tongue was stuck out in concentration as she squints at the word in her book. Memories of Emily flashes through Dean's mind as he notices that she and Aurora had the same quirk when they were concentrating. Clearing the lump in his throat and the wave of sadness,Dean glances at Sam before the road. "Before." He answers in a strained voice.

"You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night." Sam questions,knowing his brother and his one night stands after everything.

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