Chapter Twenty-One - Getting into the Order

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"Harrison, I am afraid your judgment is being clouded by your friendship with her, please, leave this to the adults." Dumbledore said.

Harry balled his fists, his magic turned thick, making everyone in the room a bit on edge, "Last time I checked Professor, the last time something like this was left to the adults my parents were murdered." He spat venomously.

Dumbledore's eyes widened, fear shown clearly in them.

"I may be young, but I am not the idiot you seem to think I am. I escaped Death Eaters who tried to come for me while I was in Paris with Theo without using any sort of magic, I was able to get Sirius and Remus, as well as the Grangers, out of our street and to Grimmuald Place before the attack happened and I did more work there repairing the place then the bloody Aurors did! You've said yourself that I am a protégé, so you must've noticed that I am brighter than everyone else in my year, as well as the next few years up. I apologize if my age may be small in numbers, but I believe to have shown myself capable of just as much as any adult. Maybe you should just learn to back out of other people's business and simply know where you belong, because it's not up in mine, and my family's face."

Sirius and Remus were taken aback at Harry's behavior and words, but they found themselves agreeing with everything he had said. Dumbledore was dumbstruck, completely bewildered about the teen that now stood in front of him, leaning slightly over his desk and challenging him head on.

"I think we've covered this section enough for now, we will do what we we're originally planning and put the house under a feildus, making Hermione Granger our secret keeper." Sirius said, "Though there is something else we need to discuss."

Harry pulled back and moved to the corner of the room, ignoring Remus's protests of telling him to sit back down. Dumbledore perked up as soon has Harry had left, "What's bothering you Sirius?"

"These recent Death Eater attacks, they're far too coordinated to be just the messy and unplanned ones that followed the dark lord's death." Sirius told him.

Remus nodded, "Surely you must know something about them Albus."

Dumbledore fell silent for a moment, "I am afraid, that Lord Voldemort, has found some way to return."

Sirius and Remus paled while Harry perked up, this was his chance.

"What do you mean, 'return'?" He asked.

Dumbledore looked at him wearily, "I believe that he has found a way to come back."

"And what would that be?"

"I do not know..."

"Then why do you think he has come back?" Harry asked, stepping closer, "When someone dies they can't just choose to come back to the living world after a certain amount of time. Something has to keep their soul tied here so that it can't reach the after life."

Harry chose not to include the name of The Half Way Point, as well had the perks that came along with being the Master of Death.

Dumbledore opened his mouth to reply but Harry beat him to it, taking another step towards him, "Why do you think that it is so hard to believe that a still loyal Death Eater has managed, after eleven years, to reunite those still loyal to Voldemort and restart what he had created?"

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