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   The wind in her hair was exactly what she'd needed to relax. The fresh air that billowed in from the open car window was a promising start to what would become their best mini-break to date. The radio played on their favourite station to eclipse the content mood inside the car. She was lost in thought as she watched the trees rush passed, admiring the way the leaves seemed to blur into each other until they become nothing more than green flashes. Work had been hectic for months, neither of them getting more than an hour a day at most to fully unwind. So the change of scenery was a blissful welcome to them both, giving them the freedom to finally forget their chaotic schedules. Even if it was just for the weekend.

   'Beth?' A concerned voice and a well placed hand on her thigh tugged her out of her daydreaming. With one last longing glance, Annabeth returned her attention to the man sitting in the driver's seat. She detested being called Annabeth, so much so that she stopped introducing herself as such altogether to avoid ever hearing it again. Only her family and closest friends knew her full name, however knew better than to use it when addressing her. She gave the man beside her a reassuring smile, shifting in her seat.

   'Sorry, I got lost in the trees.' She danced her fingertips over the top of the hand that was resting casually on her thigh, earning her a light squeeze.

   'Trust you to get lost in trees.' A knowing smirk slips onto the mans lips, listening for the hitch in Annabeth's breath that would indicate he was already affecting her. 'You know I made sure there would be plenty of trees where we're staying.' He teased her, circling his fingers along the inside of her thigh. 'It's not like that'll help you though.'

   'Isaac!' Annabeth swatted at his hand, a deep blush already forming on her cheeks. 'I'll have you know I've been frequenting the gym more often over these last few months.' She folded her arms across her chest in defiance.

   'So that's what you've been doing, huh?' Isaac raised a brow, his grip on her thigh getting dangerously tighter. 'Bunny thought she could train herself to run faster? I hate to burst your bubble, but no amount of training will stop you from getting caught.' He chuckled, knowing he'd flustered her already. The lead up to what they had planned was always just as fun to him as the actual ordeal. Isaac was a meticulous man, and this was no exception. He knew that if he flustered her before they even began, she'd be off her game and he'd have more fun watching her scramble for an impromptu plan.

   'Just you wait and see.' Annabeth muttered. There was truth to her words, she had indeed been spending more hours in the gym in an effort to improve her athletic abilities. She felt a slight pang of guilt as silence fell between them. She could've used the time for seemingly more productive tasks, but to Annabeth, the gym was a crucial part of her preparation. The comfortable silence enveloped them both as their scenic drive continued, almost as if neither of them had even spoken a word.

   They were already two hours into their commute, with another hour and a half to go. Isaac was starting to become restless behind the wheel, desperate for a break. Luckily for him, there was an upcoming service stop just ahead where he could pull in and freshen himself up. He flicked the indicator on, quietly turning into the service station. 'Now, do you remember what I told you about new places?' Isaac questioned the Auburn-haired woman in the passenger seat.

   Beth fixed him with a silent nod, the understanding shown in her eyes. During their previous getaways, Beth had been known to get easily distracted if they stopped anywhere close to wilderness. She would get distracted by a passing butterfly or a pretty flower and wander off without so much as a word. Issac had warned her about it on many occasions, until his last resort was a fixed rule. Beth was to stay where he could always see her, ensuring they didn't have a repeat. And with that thought, Beth stepped out of the car and made her way inside with Isaac.

~I am so sorry for the delay, I will still be adding more to this chapter. I published it a little too early, but still feel free to comment your thoughts whilst I continue writing ~

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