The stared off in a deathly staring match and Hiccup said. "Please don't," Hiccup began, but that seemed to be the catalyst for the two because Astrid pulled out her axe and tried smashing it into Kai's head. He dodges and grabbed the axe and used it to interlock his arm in hers and then had her arm twisted behind her back and she bites back a cry of pain. He took her axe and let her go as she fell to the floor stumbling. He held the axe out to her mockingly and said. "Your on a time out. You get this back when you stop holding your grudge against me because I'm not up to your unrealistic standards. If you hold everyone to standards and expectations where they act basically like you your gonna end up very alone," Kai said than left with that.

Everyone was awkwardly silent and Astrid turned to her friends. "Aren't any of you gonna defend me?" She asks. "Well you do have pretty high standards," Fish-legs said cautiously. "And you do constantly berate me even though all I do is try to help," Snot-lout adds with a bit of a stuck up expression, but there was truth to that. "Not to mention you think that we can't do anything right miss Astrid even if we can do just as awesome as you," Ruff-nut said. "Chicken agrees," Tuff-nut said. Astrid is getting angrier and angrier by the second. "Look Astrid I am always gonna be behind you, but you could maybe learn to be more trusting. After all he was right about how we shouldn't have given Yohan Flame's gold," Heather said before realizing what exactly she said.

"You did what?" Hiccup asks furiously looking at Heather than Astrid who was at a lost for words. "Hiccup," Astrid tries, but was cut off. "Everyone out," Hiccup orders and everyone, including Zane, quickly filed out leaving the pair alone. Hiccup's glare cut her threw her very soul.

"Astrid how could you?" Hiccup asks her sounding betrayed. "He said he needed the gold," Astrid argues. "I specifically said we would work something out, I specifically told you to not give Yohan any gold," Hiccup said sounding much more calm than he actually was. "He had been our friend and I felt we needed to repay him for all his help," Astrid defends herself. "Help?" Hiccup said it like it was a joke. "Astrid have you not been thinking at all?" Hiccup asks taking a step towards her.

"HE NEVER HELPED US!" He yells at her startling her to the core. Hiccup has never once yelled at any of them especially her. "He brought those smoke dragons to Berk, he got us off the Edge right as the hunters decided to attack, he promised Heather that Dagger would be alone when he was actually with his armoda, and he nearly got us killed so many more times, but I just ignored it. Snot-lout was right to hate him in the first place, but I just never listened to him because I thought what you thought and that he wasn't worth listening too. Astrid I trusted you the most and you went directly against my orders which nearly got my brother killed!" Hiccup put power into his last words and Astrid almost flinches. "I was just trying to," Astrid began. "You never liked Kai from the start. You didn't trust my judgement only your own and you did it just to get under his skin. Kai has never given us a reason to not trust him yet you still don't. I don't under what is so hard for you to understand he's not a danger?!" Hiccup put his hands out and Astrid clenches her fists and yelled.


Her yelling made Hiccup pause in shock as Astrid admitted what she was feeling. "Because he's skilled, he can make your heart stop with just a pinch, he can speak two languages fluently, he has a dragon that can molt gold, he saved Berk from poverty, he can summon fire, he's gets along fine with almost everyone, and he doesn't even try he just is and it's infuriating on how everything I have worked so hard for he just has naturally," Astrid confesses eyes glassy in frustration.

Hiccup pauses thinking on his next words carefully. "Does Kai know what you did?" He asks silently. "Yeah, he always knew he just didn't tell," Astrid admits. Hiccup was quiet for longer than Astrid was okay with. "Astrid you need to learn that your standards are not realistic and that you need to trust people better and trust their judgement too," Hiccup sighs and finishes with. "Your on a time out, I want you to say your sorry to Kai and you are no longer second in command. I will be giving that title to Fish-legs until I say you've earned that title back," Hiccup said.

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