Chapter 10

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HIIIIII! Welcome back! It's me! Your probably-not-favorite-author, Judy! Instead of the past now we will come back to the present! I kinda left William's thoughts and just went into a completely backstory chapter... but this will pick back up on where I was originally going with chapter 9!

Present William P.O.V: I was always told not to dwell on the past but... it was so hard. Because of the choices I made in my past, I am here today. I wonder what it would be like if I had confessed to Henry in college. I had plenty of chances to, but I never could get the courage to do so. I wonder if I would have died so early, if Charlie would still be alive, and what Henry would have said to my confession. Would he have said yes? Would he have said no? ' Ok... that's enough William. You need to get out of the house. ' I told myself. I got up and decided it was time. Time to face one of the biggest reminders of the past. It was about 6 pm when I got in my truck and drove across town. When I reached my destination I just stood outside for a few minutes, staring at it. I was at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria... where I had died... killed multiple kids and... started my dream with Henry. This was the original restaurant. I was surprised for how long it had been around and even more surprised that it was still mostly in one piece. Even after being eroded over time and set on fire. I admit, I was scared to go back. So, the solution? Go in as Springtrap! They wouldn't recognize me so it was perfect!

When I got inside I looked around. Everything was a little crisp on the edges but otherwise in ok condition. I went down to the basement because... well because I watched a few movies with my grandchildren where whenever the main characters went to the basement they either found their missing family or were brutally killed. And as I was already dead... I was hoping to find my long lost missing family. But instead I was met with 4 ( I had to search that up. I didn't know how many withered animatronics there were :( ) animatronics in pretty bad shape. They were probably the Withered animatronics. ( The withered and the originals are different in my AU! ) The Chica woke up. " Who are you!? " she shouted, waking up the others. " Uh... I'm Springtrap? " I said, hopefully they wouldn't try to kill me. " Well hello Springtrap! I'm Withered Freddy! You can call me Fred though! We don't get many visitor down here. So what brings you here? " He said. ' He's nice ' I thought. He kinda reminded me of Henry... anyways " Uh- I just have bad memories here and decided it was time to face them. " I told them. " Oh ok! " W. Bonnie said. " If you need anything you can just ask me. " W. Freddy said. " I would try to stay away from the originals if I were you. They have a sort of... bad temper. " Freddy added. I nodded. But I had to face them at some point... for about 2 hours I looked around the bottom floor. After that I decided I had seen everything and it was finally time... to go... upstairs...

I planned to go upstairs and introduce myself as Springtrap and become friends with them and hopefully then... wait- I didn't know what to do after that so Imma just roll with it. As I made my way up the stairs I heard shuffling and footsteps above. And when I entered the first floor I was met with all the original animatronics. Craaaaaaaaaaap! " Who are you!? " Cassidy, aka golden freddy, asked me. Man, that girl is scary. " Uh, I'm Springtrap. Nice to meet you? " I said. " And why are you here? " Cassidy asked me. " Uh, I have bad memories here and am trying to face them, ya know? " They hesitantly nodded. " Well... if you need anything uh- I guess you can come and see me? "

And that's how a new, beautiful... no, chaotic! ,Family started! For the next month I came over to the pizzeria and hung out with the animatronics there. They referred to me as Spring or in some cases, boss, as I was basically their boss, telling them to clean, when to perform, and even when bedtime was. I pinpointed what ages they were at so I could tell how to treat them. Most of the withered seemed to act like teens, the originals were from 8-11, and Withered Freddy seemed to be my age. I didn't know if he had a soul or not. He could have one or he could not, I didn't really mind either way but I never had the courage to ask him. Darn it! I never had the courage to ask the things that really mattered to these kinds of people. What kinds of people you ask? People who were so kind, and sweet, and caring... and that I had a crush on. Yes, I had formed a crush on Withered Freddy. * Sigh * WHY MEEEEEEEEEE! Why must I fall for these perfect, beautiful, kind creatures when I, myself, am a monster that can only dream of an alternate reality where I could be with them. Then there was my delima revolving around my crushes. Who did I like more? If given a choice between the two who would you pick? What if... and so on. I don't think I could pull off the stunt my grandson, Lucas, had. I could barely manage a single crush! And now I have two!? What to do, what to do...

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