Chapter 3

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Hi! Welcome back! Uhhhh, nothing really new. Oh! Remember to comment what Charlie's mother's name should be. I actually have no idea what to do sooooooo, down below! No onto the story!

Julia P.O.V: I woke up in the middle of the night after having a bad dream. I swiftly flew off the top of my bunk bed, my feet softly hitting the ground as I landed. Unfortunately Chai, who has insane hearing, woke up. " What are you doing? " He groggley asked me. " I had a bad dream. " I told him in a whisper. " I'm going to cuddle with daddy and Noah. " I said cracking the door open. " Now that I'm up, I'll come too. " He said hopping out of bed in his black starred PJs. I wore a dark purple nightgown. Together, we creeped down the stairs to my dad's room. We opened the door to find... the bed empty. I looked at Chai silently confused. He also looked confused and shrugged his shoulders. We spent the next 5 to 10 minutes looking around the house to see if they fell asleep somewhere else. No luck. It was like they disappeared. I could tell Chai was getting worried. And if Chai was worried, I was worried. At the end of our unsuccessful search we sat at the big dining table. " Ok, I have two theories. " Chai said to me. " One, they left without telling us where they were going or that they were going somewhere. They might have forgotten but that is unlikely so if they did go somewhere willingly it was probably a decision not to tell us. Or... " Chai trailed off. " Or? " I prompted. " ... They might have been taken. " There was a silence. " I guess it could happen... " I agreed. " If that did happen we are the only ones that know that they exist, so we would be the only ones that could save them. " Chai said. " But if we went after them something might happen to us! " I tried to reason with him. " Mr.Afton and Mr.Noah might be being tortured right this very moment! We have to find them! " Chai explained. I sighed. " Fine. But how will we find them? " I asked him. " I was built with a scent tracker so I can find people with precision. " He told me. Wait- " THAT'S HOW YOU ARE SO GOOD AT HIDE AND SEEK! " I shouted at him. " Yes. " He said bluntly. " If we are going to find them we have to go now. " I agreed with him. We changed into more comfortable clothes. I wore a cute purple dress paired with a leather satchel, a white, furry jacket, and little white boots. Chai wore a long black sleeved shirt with jeans, dark purple sneakers, and a jacket with fuzzy lining. We walked out of the house with the keys, locked the door, turned Chai's tracker on, and set off down the dark, cold street at 3 am.

William P.OV: Wait- " It's been over 50 years since I died. How do you still look 28? " I said turning to my oldest son. He froze. " Uhhhhh- " " Don't worry baby, I'll do the talking. Mike is dead. " ... I promptly passed out.

Michael P.O.V: " Dad! " I screamed as my father's eyes rolled into the back of his head and fainted from shock. Ennard quickly caught my dad inches before his head hit the floor. My mother was leaning back in her chair, fanning herself with tears in her eyes. Chris was softly crying. And Liz... Liz just stared at me in blank shock. " W-What do you mean you're dead? " Eli asked me. " I mean I am dead Liz. It's just that simple. " I told her bluntly. " So you possess an animatronic? " She questioned. " No. I am a rotting corpse. " I told them as I peeled back my eye patch, revealing my shriveled, purple, rotting skin. My father who had just awoken passed out again and my mother and Chris let out choked sobs. " How-how did you die? " My younger sister asked me. " Do you recognize the name Eggs Benedict? " My mother let out a wail as she held Chris. Elizabeth had silent tears pouring down her face and horror creeping up on it as it sunk in what she had done. " Mikey I'm-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know it was you and-and. " She cried into my shoulder. I hugged her, comforting her. " I know Liz and I forgive you. " I said. Her head shot up looking at me with red, surprised eyes. " H-Huh? But why?! I-I killed you! " She said. " I killed Chris and he forgave me, so why shouldn't you get a second chance? " I said reasonably. She wiped her tears away and nodded.

We played a few games and soon we got to truth or dare. " Truth or Dare Chris? " My mom asked my brother. " Uh, truth! " My brother decided. " What is a secret you have been keeping from the rest of the family? " He froze. " Uhhh, here, I'll just go get it. " He ran back to his room and brought out his plushies. " Your plushies? " My father asked, confused. " No, they are more than that. Nightmare, Goldie. Please come out. " Suddenly two giant, scary animatronics came out of seemingly nowhere. I recognized them as nightmare possessed animatronics. They were big, but not as big as Chai. " CHRIS WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE!? " My sister screamed, hiding behind my dad. My mother also scooched away from them. " These are my nightmares. They used to try and kill me, but now they are my friends. " He went up to the big black one and hugged it. I could see it's face turn a slightly different shade and smoke just a bit. Oh. ooooohhhhh! EEEEE! He had a crush on my brother! " This is Nightmare and the gold one is Nightmare Fredbear or Goldie for short. " Chris said proudly. I walked up to them and started examining them. All of my family and the Nightmares, minus my husband, looked taken aback by my actions. " They could use a bit of a tune up but otherwise they are in good condition. " I told Chris. He smiled up at me. Suddenly the nightmares tensed. Their ears perked towards outside the house. Then Nightmare grabbed Chris, pulling him close as Goldie stepped in front of them. " There is another Nightmare outside. " I tensed as I knew rouge nightmares could be very dangerous. My mother and sister shyed behind my father and Ennard grabbed me and held me behind him in a protective position. We could hear the footsteps of something very large coming up the front porch. We were right in front of the front door too. There was a loud knock. Then another and another. We all stayed silent. Unfortunately the lights were on so the nightmare knew we were here. Then, BANG! The door went sailing off its hinges right into Goldie, knocking him off his feet. Nightmare launched himself at the other nightmare when I got a closer look at it. " CHAI! "

" PLEASE STOP NIGHTMARE! THEY'RE NOT A DANGER! PLEASE! " I cried desperately. Goldie got up and saw my pleadings. He grabbed Nightmare and pulled him off Chai. I ran forward. " Michael! What are you doing!? It could be dangerous! " My father yelled at me, but I was too focused on helping my children. My parental instinct kicked in as I knelt beside the fallen animatronic. Luckily there weren't many injuries and as I was checking their eyes opened. They were green meaning my daughter was in control. " Daddy? " She asked me. " Yes baby? " " Are you ok? " I stopped. " Am I ok?! Julia! You just got attacked and you're asking if I'm ok?! I'm your father! I should be asking if you are ok! " I said, exasperated. " But are you? " I face palmed. " Yes. I'm fine. Now turn into your soul form and let Chai out too. " My daughter nodded as she transformed. My family gasped.

Time skip because I am slowly losing motivation for this chapter :(

After I had cleaned up everyone my mom and sister kidnaped my daughter while my son was talking to Goldie. Chris was fussing over Nightmare's minor injuries and my dad was having a " Talk " with my husband. Lol. Noah came out looking very pale while my dad came out with a smirk. After 12:00 am my mother decided it was time everyone got to bed. As I laid down next to Noah I thought about how much had changed that day. Slowly darkness invaded my vision and I fell asleep.

Sorry for the rushed ending. I was losing motivation fast. Hopefully I will update soon. Pls comment! Have a nice day/night! :<

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