Chapter Twenty: The Advantage

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The morning air was slightly crisp, paired with a soft breeze whisking dead foliage around my feet as I stood planted in front of Erwin's office door. My emerald eyes focused on examining every knick and dent imprinted on the heavy wooden structure before me, as I contemplated on knocking for the third time in the past ten minutes.

You can stare a Titan dead in the face, but you are nervous about facing Erwin? What the hell is wrong with me?

Wringing my sweaty hands together, I sucked in another breath of fresh air before raising the tip of my knuckle to rap against the dense wood.

"State your name and business, please." Erwin's voice was stiff and abrupt, sending another wave of chills to creep down my spine.

"Erwin, it's me. Aria." I mumbled in response, still trying to mask the nervousness in my voice.

"You may enter." Erwin replied, followed by the screech of wooden chair legs scraping against the flooring of his office.

I brought my bottom lip between my teeth as trembling digits softly gripped the metal knob and twisted slightly. I held my head at a downwards angle as I entered the tenebrous room, my long waves providing a small curtain around my face as I inched closer to Erwin's desk and lazily flopped myself into the small open seat placed before it.

Erwin never made even the slightest attempt to turn his interest towards me, instead he kept scribbling letters on a sheet of paper, his thick brows twitching ever so slightly at each flick of his wrist. I shifted uncomfortably side to side, slightly clearing my throat in an attempt to capture his attention. He gently exhaled, laying his writing utensils to the side and leaning forwards to rest his chin onto his curled fist. Underneath blonde lashes, his prominent blue hues finally met my gaze.I felt so vulnerable under his stare, as if he could anticipate my emotions along with my desperateness to allude this awkward confrontation.

"You know, I think this is the first time I've ever seen you so nervous Aria. You usually try to avoid any situation that makes you vulnerable." Erwin smirked, continuing to scan my features as I shifted uncomfortably at his statement.

"Where is all that snarkiness that you usually come barding in here with so often? Or was that all an act as well?" Erwin questioned with a bit of sarcasm noted in his voice.

I cringed at his words, knowing fully well that he was intending to hurt me as I had him by referring to my past behavior. He assumed just through those actions that I had truly thought of him only as a comrade, even despite his persistent actions at becoming a close friend.

He was so wrong. He had no idea how special he had become to me.

"Erwin, I..." my voice was shaking, and I wondered in that moment if I could finally let my walls down enough to share my past with him.

"Show him your scars." a voice had cut me off, causing my breath to catch once more as I recognized the familiar monotone. Grabbing each armrest placed beside me I twisted myself around in the direction of the voice, astonished that he had managed to slip into Erwin's office unnoticed. Yet, there he stood with his hands shoved deep within his pockets, propped against the back of Erwin's door.

"Levi, this really doesn't concern you..."Erwin started as quickly sat back into his chair, he too seemed a bit taken aback that he hadn't perceived our unexpected company quicker.

"Bullshit Erwin, she's still a member of my squad. Besides, I'm not sticking around. Lehmann may be a complete selfish brat, however everyone harbors their share of secrets, even if we don't understand the reasoning. I can't tell you that it will resolve anything, but even making the slightest attempt to understand her choice would be in your best interest." Levi concluded before giving me the slightest glimpse in my direction, before turning to grasp the bronze handle.

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