She sat back down next to Toni and dumped out everything from the bag onto a towel laying on the sand.

There were a bunch of makeup products some being concealer, lip gloss and stick, mascara, eyeshadow pallet, and there was also a small Polaroid size album book.

Fatin smiled noticing how the blondes eyes lit up at the sight of all of the products. Lana quickly dove in and started putting concealer on.

Fatin's eyes landed on the small album book and picked it up, Lana not noticing. She began to flip through the pages, smiling at the pictures of Lana with friends. She seemed so happy and carefree.

Dot and Rachel glanced over, looking through the pictures with her. Lana had Toni pick between colors for her eyeshadow and lipstick, still not noticing that the picture book was even in her bag.

"Damn, Lana, talk about party animal," Fatin turned the book towards her showing the picture of Lana and another girl taking shots together.

Lana's eyes widened at the sight of the picture, and it was safe to say that the others did as well. "I didn't even remember packing that," Lana spoke. "Well, I am very glad that you did. Getting a little look into Lana's life back in Texas," Fatin flipped to another picture of where Lana stood on a table in only a bra and a skimpy skirt.

"Oh shit, isn't that Sophia Karl's party when you-," A laughing Dot was interrupted by Lana, "Okay!" Lana nervously laughed. "Let's not discuss that."

"No, I wanna hear the story. What happened at Sophia Karl's party, Dot," Rachel smirked. Toni's face was intrigued, wanting to know herself. Shelby's ears perked up as well, not having been at that party.

Dot looked at Lana for approval, and she playfully rolled her eyes and nodded. "Lana had gotten absolutely wasted and was playing a game with some people from school. You bet money or your clothes, and Lana sucked so she lost all of her money and had to give up her shirt. Long story short, she went the rest of the party dancing on tables half naked," Dot laughed at the memory. That was one of the only parties Dot was genuinely amused and entertained.

The girls laughed at the idea of what Dot had described. "Not my best moment," Lana muttered. "I'd pay to see that happen," Leah teased.

"Jesus, a whole section of you and your beaux," Fatin commented noticing the marking in the book that read, "LOML". Lana glanced to Toni whose face had turned hard.

Fatin handed the book out to Lana once she finished looking through them, but the blonde just stared at it. The Pakistani's eyebrows furrowed until Lana snapped out of it and took it back.

She looked at it and then to Toni who was staring at the fire. Lana took the book and ripped out the 20 pictures of her and Ryan, surprising everyone, especially Toni, before throwing them into the fire.

Rachel nodded her head in admiration and respect for her, shocked that the girl who once spoke so highly of her boyfriend, saying she'd love him no matter what he did to her, was now burning pictures with him.

Lana looked around at everyone's stares. "There was so much passion in getting rid of those pictures," Nora chuckled lightening the mood making some of the other girls nod their heads in agreement and giggle.

"Yeah, so what's the tea between you two. Did he cheat on you?" Fatin asked bluntly earning a confused face from Lana. "Oh, come on. I can sense the tension between you two even with me never having met Ryan, and him being hundreds of miles away."

Lana looked down not knowing if she should tell them or not. She'd gotten really close to everyone these past few weeks, but it was something she never wanted to have to say out loud again. Shelby and her made eye contact both knowing the story, and Lana swallowed thickly.

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