:( tw

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tw: mentioned suicide, sexual violation.

i remember when you acted like nothing happened, you know what you did. you didn't do it to me but you did it to them.
they were my everything they made my heart fill up with joy when they texted me.
but you decided to say all those things to them, and the other people you knew i was close with it.
but then
you blamed it on me.
was it really my fault?
was it really me who pushed you to the edge..?
i hope your still here.
i dont want to cause something again.
i did it once.
but i really really needed to get out of that relationship, i hated how they sexualized me on a daily basis.
but you all blamed me.
in a matter of a week.
two people i was close with ended up making me think i wasn't worthy of love
and i mean
im not
i did bad and i fucked up friendships.
thats all i ever do.
and im sorry.
i lnow srory doesn't do shit bht i am.
i wish i never met any of you fjcking idiots.

a/n: i cant reply to comments im sorry guys :((
but except to see more coming from me.

The words i wish i said.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant