Down the Rabbit Hole.

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It still felt somewhat wrong to be doing this sort of thing.

Jimin was not the type. He didn't believe in one-night stands and friends with benefits. Call him a romantic or naïve, but he always believed in love. But someone in his situation had limited options. Jimin wasn't so cruel as to put someone through the hell of watching their loved one slowly die. Jimin wasn't sure why he was currently engaging in this sort of lifestyle with Jungkook, but something about the other was addicting. Jimin couldn't explain it. At first, he thought maybe it was the lack of physical affection from another person that he was craving, but the more they did this, the more Jimin realized, he was trying to cling to something or in this case, someone. Even though Jimin held up a strong front, told his family and friends that he'd come to terms with dying, in truth, he was fucking terrified. The thought of dying and knowing it was coming was such an awful feeling. There was nothing he could do to stop it. All he was doing was delaying his eventual end. That cold realization left him desperate and seeking warmth. Jimin didn't want to die, who did? A soft sigh escaped between Jimin's lips as he stared up at the ceiling, listening to the hustle and bustle of the city from the open window. His half-lidded gaze was somewhat dazed as he tried to regain his composure. When he heard the toilet flush, Jimin's eyes slightly widened, as if he'd just realized that he wasn't alone. Jimin turned his head slowly as the door opened, spilling light into the dark room. Jimin's gaze fell on the source of all his internal struggle – Jeon Jungkook. It had been about a month since they started this whatever it was. Arrangement? It felt dirty to think of it like that, but it was what it was. Jungkook was pulling his messy hair up into a bun a top of his head as he glanced up and smirked when he noticed that Jimin was staring at him.

"What's up? Want to go another round?" Jungkook asked as he walked towards the bed and Jimin.

Jimin's gaze followed him until the other was standing over him. Jimin simply stared at him, which must have made Jungkook uncomfortable because his smirk faded a little. Jungkook leaned down, waving a hand in front of Jimin's face.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Jungkook asked but he froze when Jimin raised his hand and suddenly grabbed his wrist to stop his waving hand.

"I'm tired. This is enough." Jimin said, his voice hoarse from how vocal Jungkook always made him.

Jungkook frowned, watching as Jimin slipped his hand away. Jungkook noticed how cold Jimin's touch was. It always seemed like no matter how much they fucked, Jimin never warmed up. Jungkook stood up as Jimin's eyes lowered and he turned his head away from the other. Jungkook stared at Jimin before he closed his eyes and sighed. Whatever. Jungkook went to gather up his clothes off the floor so he could get dressed. Jimin rolled onto his side, his back to Jungkook as he slipped his shirt over his head and tugged it down his muscular form. Jungkook side glanced at Jimin's back, he then looked down as he recalled the drastic change in Jimin's mood. During sex, the other was so vocal, desperate and needy, but after, it was like a switch flipped and the other became so cold and withdrawn. Was it shame? Jungkook didn't get it. What was the point in feeling something like that at this point? Why did it even irk him in the slightest that Jimin hadn't smiled at him since that first day they had met in the tattoo shop. Jungkook slowly walked towards the bed, sitting down on the edge as he frowned at the other.

"Hey." Jungkook said, hesitating before he looked down at his hands. "I can stay if you want?"

"I can't afford it." Jimin said, his voice soft. "I don't get paid until next week."

Jungkook suddenly felt vile. He knew that people would think he was disgusting, the worst type for taking money from a fucking cancer patient, but he had a lifestyle to maintain and Jimin was asking him to switch it up. Although to be fair, Jungkook hadn't spent a dime of what Jimin had given him. He couldn't bring himself to. Instead, he'd just taken a few extra tattoo jobs and made up the difference to support his habit. Jungkook sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back.

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