Chapter Two: There can't be more.

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Jimin wasn't this type of person.

Before he was diagnosed, he always dreamt of a house on the hills, a white picket fence and maybe a couple of kids. Afterwards, that dream, or hope seem to fade. It was almost like a joke on himself to think about the impossible at this point. Fulfilling that dream or fantasy required time, of which he had little. So, while he did feel a bit wrong for this, it had been so long since he'd been touched. Felt loved and wanted. It surprised him. Jungkook didn't seem like the type to go for someone like him. It almost made Jimin wonder if the other just had some kind of weird kink for this, fucking a sick person, but then he realized maybe that was taking it a little far. Instead, he decided to just let go of his anxieties and enjoy this. The other stuff could come later. It wasn't like Jimin planned to catch feelings for this guy. After all, it was bad enough that he was technically sleeping with someone that Taehyung had an on and off again thing with, but he was lonely and wanted to feel good for a little while. The last few months had just been a lot of pain. The side effects of his medication and treatments were aggressive and brutal and often left him curled up in bed, hating his life and wishing for it all to be over. It was nice to feel the pleasurable high of sex. Jimin craved attention. A soft moan escaped from between his slightly parted lips. Tilting his head back into the pillow as another followed.

Feeling Jungkook push deeper inside of him, spreading him open and filling him to the brim. It had been so long. A few soft grunts were all he'd heard of Jungkook in a while. The other was rougher than Jimin was used to, but it didn't feel bad. Jimin dug his nails into Jungkook's tattooed shoulders as he gasped when the other snapped his hips for a particularly deep thrust. Jungkook tilted his head back as he smirked down at the other. His bangs framing his face in dark, sweat coated tendrils as he licked his lips slowly. Jungkook's gaze thinned down at him and Jimin swore, the other looked so fucking evil but sexy at the same time.

"Did that feel good Hyung?" Jungkook asked, voice deep and silky smooth.

Snapping his hips once more to earn another sharp gasp from Jimin as he moaned right after. Jungkook leaned down, nosing at Jimin's jawline before he nipped at the skin. Jimin whimpered, pushing against the other some as he slowly opened his eyes.

"N – No...m – marks..." Jimin managed to get out in between his labored panting.

Jungkook pulled back slightly, his smirk faded into a frown as his brows furrowed.

"What? Worried someone might start asking questions?" Jungkook asked, another sharp snap of his hips that had Jimin cry out.

Jimin brought his arms back, crossing them over his face as he tried to get some kind of control over himself but Jungkook was making it impossible to think straight, so he simply nodded. Jungkook paused, staring down at Jimin, not sure why but he had this strong desire to defy Jimin's wishes, to let everyone see. To wonder who marked up the pretty skin of this beauty. Jungkook leaned down, running his tongue over the spot he'd favored, sending chills down Jimin's body.

"Who cares?" Jungkook said and without much warning, he bit down on the spot and started to suck hard.

Jimin's eyes widened, quickly moving his arms and trying to push the larger male off him, but Jungkook was bigger than him and it was difficult, especially when his limbs felt like jelly right now.

"J – Jungkook...s – stop...!" Jimin said, his voice hoarse from all the screaming he'd done for the last few hours.

Jungkook didn't pull off until he was good and satisfied. Sitting back, he licked his lips once more as he admired the pretty red mark he'd left behind. It would swell and change colors by tomorrow no doubt. Jimin slapped his hand over it and shot a hardly threatening glare up at the other.

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