Chapter-3| In Red

Start from the beginning

Coach Reynolds might be short and stumpy but his voice could make you cower in fear.

"This is the last year for some of you, so make it count, ladies."

I will.

"What you do off the court also affects your performance on the court. While I cannot dictate your personal life, I advise you to not let it affect your performance or I wouldn't have any issues benching you. I am not taking any risks." He looked at Jayden particularly during the last bit because his last girlfriend created quite a scene on the court last year.

She dodged the security and came running into the court while the game was on, which was unsafe for both, her and the player. She slapped Jayden in front of the entire court just because she heard a rumor about him. Apparently, he cheated on her with her best friend, which he didn't. The security had to drag her away, but it had already spoiled the momentum of the game and also, Jayden was off for the whole second half resulting in him being benched. Later we came to know her best friend had fabricated those lies so she could break them up because she had a crush on Jayden.

Relationships are messy.

Jayden hunched his head because he knows it was a disaster.

"Moving on, this morning I received an email from the NBA." The cheers erupted before he could even finish his sentence. We all knew it was regarding the draft. I could already feel the jitters.

"Yes ladies, it was regarding the draft of the year 2021. We have three drafted players among us right now." He said proudly.

"Say the names, coach." Noah said impatiently. I am pretty confident about myself, but that did nothing to calm my nerves.

"Shut up, Reid." The coach said, and we all chuckled at their dynamics.

"Ethan Kight, Mason Standford, and Jase Montgomery. Congratulation on being the drafted players for 2021." I just couldn't stop the smile. I knew a lot could happen in a year, but the moment I've been waiting for is almost within arm's reach now. The Official NBA Draft 2021.

The teammates picked up all three of us, cheering.

"Put my damn drafted players down," Coach yelled, but I could see the hint of a smile on his face.

"You three will be in the constant spotlight this year. Each match counts, each pass counts, and each mistake counts. Everything you do is going to affect your position in the draft. All of you need to be on your A-game this season." The coach said once we all settled down.

I know what he's talking about. One mistake, and our faces would be over all the sports' news channels. Everyone out there is waiting for you to slip up and as soon as you do, that's all they'll talk about for the entire year.

"Now that, that's out of the way, I need the three of you to fill out the documents required. Pick up the package from the assistant staff before you leave and because it's just the beginning of the season, you have the weekend off but I don't want anyone of you showing up hungover on Monday. Keep yourself in check." He said in his 'no-bullshit,' voice.

"Aye aye, captain." That was Noah. That has to be Noah.

"Get lost now." The coach grumbled, ignoring Noah.

Once we were all in the locker rooms, I looked around to see quite a few fresh faces. I noticed a few of them in the practice and I can already say, many of them show great potential.

"Okay, listen up," I yelled over the chatter of the locker room to gain everyone's attention.

"I know the coach has already officially welcomed all the new team members, but I would like to welcome you all to the family. The unofficial family that we've built off the field. Welcome, Trojans!" The team cheered as I finished speaking. I make it a point to give this little informal welcome to all the new members because coming into a new team could be quite intimidating and as the captain, it's my responsibility to keep the bond of the team intact for the team to work on the field.

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