Chapter 6: Danny Vasquez

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As soon as the fireteam approached Firebase Z, they found a man wearing armor reminiscent of a blazing regal knight.

Bee approached the knight closely and said, "Greetings, fellow knight, what could your name be?"

The knight answered, "The name's Danny. Danny Vasquez."

"Danny... pretty nice name. My name's Bee, and this is my Palico, PuppyCat," Bee introduced herself and PuppyCat to Danny, and the rest of the fireteam followed.

Sucrose: "I-I'm Sucrose, a bio-alchemist from Mondstadt."

Raiden Mei: "Raiden Mei. Nice to meet you."

Mayonna: "Colonel Mayonna Mizuki of the 2nd Re-Logic Hero Division, reporting for duty."

Hilda: "I'm Hilda, and this is Twig, my Palamute."

Tulip: "Tulip Olsen Bogard, captain of Railjack 'Bahamut', at your service."

Molly: "Name's Molly Blyndeff. I'm a Night Sentinel."

"Nice team you got there, Mei," Danny remarked, and asked Mei, "Mind if I join in?"

"Sure," Raiden Mei answered, as her fireteam has now gained an eighth party member. Danny seems to be the only male member of Mei's fireteam (the other teammates are female).

The fireteam, with its newest member Danny, entered the front gates of Firebase Z. They are met with hordes of conventional daemons from the Warp, from common Imps to imposing Mancubi, as well as undead Draugr. The fireteam readied their weapons as the daemon and Draugr hordes closed in. The fireteam's assault against the hordes include:

Raiden Mei literally slashes the daemons and Draugr with her Long Sword.

Danny rushes forward with his Lance, piercing any daemon or Draugr in his way.

Mayonna stays from a far range and snipes the hordes with her enchanted Sniper Rifle with precision headshots, causing the resulting hordes to be disintegrated from the sky beams.

Bee also stays from afar, utilizing her Bow to unleash volleys of Hydro arrows at the daemons and Draugr. Some of the daemons and Draugr hit by Hydro arrows had their friction reduced due to water covering their body.

Sucrose throws another volatile wind spirit vial in order to smite daemons and Draugr with the power of Anemo.

Hilda deploys a holographic A-Wall to protect fireteam members from the hordes' attacks. Projectiles from Tulip, Hilda, and Molly fired through the wall are empowered with Radiant energy, increasing damage against the hordes of daemons and Draugr.

After that encounter, the area was filled with both rotting body parts (both from dead daemons and Draugr) and glowing ectoplasm and liquefied Argent Energy.

Danny explained why he was also in this locale, "By the way, I was sent by the Osowiec Resistance to investigate the Umbral energy surge, just like you gals."

Molly then asked, "What was that tentacled creature that attacked the Brachydios we just escaped from, anyway?"

"Shoggoth," Danny answered, "They came from an unknown 'eldritch city' dimension known as 'R'lyeh', from an unstable Umbral portal hidden within the depths of the base, which could also be the source of the Umbral energy surge. Barely escaped one after seeing that one exit through the portal. Also found some reactivated animatronics belonging to something called the 'New Illuminati'..."

"There definitely is somebody trying to resurrect the New Illuminati," Mayonna added.

"Whatever that somebody is, he's using a creature called a 'Shub-Niggurath' in order to resurrect New Illuminati animatronics and create otherworldly Shoggoths," Danny said.

"So, we have to find this 'R'lyeh' portal and stop whatever this guy is from unleashing the full potential of this 'Shub-Niggurath', right?" Raiden Mei asked.

Everybody else in the fireteam answered in unison, "Right."

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