It had gotten dark and the group was talking about how the invasion would go causing (Y/N) to question "Hey guys?, do you think I'll be healed enough to help out on the day?" The air went silent as the rest of the group looked at each other as if silently communicating to each other. Sokka then nodded and looked towards (Y/N) who had now sat down next to Toph "Well at this point we'd prefer you to stay away from the battle, but we know that won't stop you. So we'll find the safest job for you to do during the invasion, besides you'll be even more helpless on the day".

The last bit of Sokka's explanation was the last straw and she quickly retorted while trying to push herself up "Just because I can't walk properly right now rendered me helpless!! Seriously!! You know I pull most of the weight around here, I put up tents, I train, I light the fire, get food. But this is how you see me" The group sat there with wide eyes as (Y/N) continued to rant on, after a while (Y/N) seemed to calm down and just plainly said "I'm going to sleep". As she laid down on the floor and fell slowly asleep.

-The next day y'all-

It was early morning and (Y/n) had woken up, she slowly pushed herself up and walked away from the group and towards a tall grass field with many Koala sheep sleeping. She grabbed a random stick and tested it for its sturdiness before using it as some type of walking stick "Spirit's I feel like a 80 year old" She quietly laughed to herself and began her 'training'.

Her 'training' consisted of walking back and forth between two points slowly taking away the walking stick for longer periods of time, doing some hand to hand combat with a tree for as long as her legs could hold and just general exercise. But was quickly interrupted by the rustling of grass behind her, she took the walking stick and threw it blindly hearing a BONK and a yell from the figure "OW!".

The voice came from Aang who was sitting on the floor rubbing his arrow where he was hit, (Y/N) panicked and walked over to him as best as she could, helping him up "sorry Aang, didn't think anyone else would be up". The young Avatar smiled and nodded "Me neither, I just.....woke up." (Y/N) could tell her was clearly lying so she grabbed the walking stick back and leaned on it "You know you're a terrible liar Aang" He stiffened up and laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his head, (Y/n) smiled and motioned him to sit down next to a tree with her "So what's troubling you?".

The young Avatar then went on to explain his nightmare, (Y/N) listening on and eventually giving him some advice "Well I see why the nightmare happened, have you ever thought to try and control your dream?" Aang looked confused at the firebender "You can do that?" he said to which she nodded "It's something I found out about a while ago, I call it lucid dreaming, it's like you're awake and aware but you're still inside a dream. I used this to take control of my nightmares because in the end this is all in your head " she accentuated her point by poking her finger into his head,causing him to laugh slightly.He seemed to understand and thanked her, just telling her he was off to do some training of his own, to which she nodded and decided to head back after a while.

After a couple hours the sun had risen and (Y/N) had started to make some food while Aang was punching a tree, the others awoke with confused grumbles but looked at the two confused. Katara was mostly concerned for Aang and how tired he looked. (Y/N) just casually set out bowls of the food she had made and sat down against a rock eating her creation, until she heard a thud and looked over at Aang who had collapsed and quickly gotten up "You don't get it, do you? My form is bad, I'm sloppy, and I still don't know any firebending. Not even the basics".

They looked over at (Y/N) who just waved and said "What? He never asked for lessons" which made Katara glare at her to which she put her hand up in defence, eventually Katara backed off, Sokka then joined in on the conversation saying "That's okay, Aang. The eclipse will block off firebending anyway. You don't need to know it. Plus, it's a stupid element." (Y/N) then stood up and walked over with her walking stick to Sokka, her aura darkening around her "What did you say ponytail".

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