Sonic Survives Chapter 11

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Everyone was at the waiting room as the doctors were treating Sonic. You were forming tears as Cream rubbed your back. The doctor came out and said,

"You must be Sonic's friends correct?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good news, he is doing just fine. He just needs to rest for a few days."

You sighed in relief.

"You may visit him but only one at a time."

Everyone suggested that you would go first. You slowly opened the door and saw Sonic surrounded with machines on his body as he was resting with his eyes closed. You sat next to him and held his hand gently. Sonic slowly opened his eyes and looked at you.


"Oh Sonic. I'm so glad you're ok."

"I'm so sorry. If only I showed up sooner."

"It's not your fault. These things happen. The important thing is, is that you are alive."

Sonic sighed a little.

"I feel like a terrible boyfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"We didn't really do much together and I didn't stop that guy when I had the chance. Maybe I'm not cut out for this."

"Don't say that Sonic. I love you very much. You mean everything to me. We were still able to stop him. Once you feel better, me and you can have a lot of time together."

Sonic gave you a weak smile.

"Thanks Y/N. That would be nice."

"Just get lots of rest for now. The others are waiting to see you."


You both gave each other a kiss before you left the room. Everyone else came to visit Sonic until it was time to go. The next day, Sonic was able to come home but he still needed to be in bed rest. You stayed with Sonic most of the time in his room watching movies, having snacks, telling each other jokes and snuggling.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Sonic."

You both gave each other a kiss.

I hope you enjoyed it! It probably wasn't the best but I did my best. The story doesn't end here though!

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