New Couple/Shadow's Kidnapped Chapter 6

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You and Sonic were snuggling on the couch while watching TV. You smiled to yourself. You didn't expect to have the hero of Mobius in your arms. You looked at him and saw that he was smiling at you. You smiled back with a blush as you looked away.

"Why you so shy? It's only me."

Sonic began to tickle you as you started laughing.

"Sonic! Stop! It tickles!" You said while laughing.

Sonic chuckled and said,

"Alright. I'll stop." Sonic said as he stopped tickling you.

"Hey guys. Lunch is ready." Silver said.

"Ok thanks Silver." Sonic said.

Silver nodded and headed back to the kitchen. Sonic picked you up and took you upstairs.

"Sonic? What are you doing?"

"I want to spend some time with you for a bit. We'll go eat after."

"Alright then."

You both went to your room and you noticed that you forgot to clean it.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry about this Sonic."

"Hey. It's alright. I'll help you."

"Really? That's Sonic."

Sonic kissed your cheek and began to help you clean.

After a few minutes, Everyone was still waiting for you and Sonic to come down.

"Where the heck are they?!" Knuckles said, getting impatient.

"Don't worry Mr. Knuckles. They should be down soon." Cream said calmly.

"Yeah. Let's just eat." Blaze said as she took a bite of F/F (Favorite food)

"Whatever." Knuckles began to eat as well as everyone else.

5 minutes later, You and Sonic came downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Where have you been?" Knuckles asked.

"My room was a mess so Sonic wanted to help me clean it up." Y/N said.

"That's right N/N." (Nickname)

You blushed as he hugged you.

Knuckles rolled his eyes as he continued eating. Shadow got up and said,

"I'm going for a walk."

"But what about lunch?" Amy asked.

"I'll eat it later." Shadow suddenly left the house.

"Is he ok?" Y/N asked.

"He's been kinda down since he found out you and Sonic got together." Rouge said.

"Shadow is always down." Knuckles said.

"And you are always angry." Rouge said.

"Shut up!" Knuckles yelled.


Knuckles growled at her as she smirked. With Shadow, he was walking towards the forest until he heard a voice.

"Well hello there."

Shadow quickly turned around.

"Who's there?!" Shadow stood still, about to get ready for a battle position. Once he saw who was talking, he quickly looked at the Mobian.

"Who are you?!"

"Just someone who is passing by. What's a creature like you doing all alone in these wood?" The Mobian said with a smirk.

"You have no idea who you are messing with!" Shadow snarled.

"And you have no idea who you are going up against." The Mobian threw a sleeping bomb at him as Shadow began coughing. Soon after, he fell asleep. When he woke up he was chained to a table from his arms and legs.

"Unhand me! I will kill you!" Shadow yelled.

"You actually did it! I was starting to think it failed." Eggman said.

"What did I tell you? Huh? All you gotta do is trust me."

"What are you gonna to me?"

"I don't want to ruin the surprise." The Mobian said.

Soon after, he started to transform which made Shadow and Eggman shocked as he roared loudly.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 7. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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