Ch 16: Help This Bird Fly

Start from the beginning

Tokoyami: "I know it's not the same but I apologize on Bakugou's behalf. Everyone knows that he won't own up to his mistakes, or apologize for them and sometimes we have to do it for him. But there are times when he acts like a hero, it's just hard to see it."

N: He was one or two steps away from her, and all she could think about was, why? Why did he follow her? And why would he care? And of all people..why him? Aika thought that there must be more to his reason for following her then just apologizing for someone else's actions. She just shook her head and chuckled.

Aika: "You really are something else. Your not at all who I thought you'd be. And that's a good thing, is there anything else you want to tell me?" She asked giving a small smile.

Tokoyami: "Actually yes, three things. What do you mean, I'm not who you thought I'd be? Who did you think I'd be? And why didn't you wear your costume during your first match?"

Aika: "I didn't wear my costume because I didn't think I needed too, and I was right. And I mean your just not who I thought you'd be, I thought you'd be like the kind of guy who wants to stay in the shadows all his life, and keeps to himself. But you coming to check on me proved me wrong."

N: Tokoyami looked to the side for a moment then back at Aika. Aika shook her head with a smile and she tilted her head to the stairs as a gesture to tell him to follow her. He nodded his head and they were on their way, when they got outside they waited for everyone else.

Tokoyami: "Amari?"

Aika: "Yeah?"

Tokoyami: "Did you really bring your costume with you?"

Aika: "Hehehe. Yes, I have it with me. All of you keep thinking that I don't huh? Tell you what, how about I show you, okay?" She asked placing her hand on her waist.

Tokoyami: "Alright. Wait, you don't have anywhere to go change, and we're leaving."

Aika: "It's fine. I'll just change here." She said taking a few steps forward.

Tokoyami: "Uh! What?! Wait, I don't think you should-"

N: A bright purple glow was beaming off of Aika and her hair was floating and her eyes turned red. Tokoyami put his arm in front of his face to block the light, then the symbol of the pentagram appeared beneath Aika then her whole body was floating. Her P.E uniform was vanishing into her shadow and her costume was starting to show on her body. Then she was fully dressed in her costume. Tokoyami's eyes widened and his jaw dropped a bit.

Aika: "So, what do you think?" She turned around to face him with her hand on her waist.

N: Tokoyami was speechless he studied her costume head to toe, his heart was beating a little faster and he was blushing a bit.

Aika: "Tokoyami? Hellooo? Earth to Tokoyami?" She snapped her fingers getting him to focus on the questions.

Tokoyami: "Oh! Uhh..I'm sorry. I don't mean to stare so much. You just..caught me a little off guard." He said as he waved his hands a little in front of him.

Aika: "Hehe, it's alright. Your not the first person to have that reaction to my transformations. So, do you like it?" She said while taking off her hood.

Tokoyami: "Well I-Uh?!"

N: As Aika took off her hood she flipped her hair side to side to make it fall completely, then she ran her fingers through the top of her head and shook her hair again. Tokoyami's blush deepened and his heart was beating faster, Aika looked back at Tokoyami and rose a brow.

Aika: "Are you okay?"

Tokoyami: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare!" 'What's going on?!' He thought as he looked at the ground.

Aika: "Uhh..okay? But are you alright? Did Kirishima hit you in the head or something?" She asked placing her hand on her waist.

N: Tokoyami picked his head up but under his cloak he was gripping onto his shirt due to his heart beating. Aika waited for him to respond then she just headed towards the bus.

Aika: "Maybe you should wait out here for a bit. Clear your head, I'll be on the bus."

Tokoyami: "Amari."

N: Aika froze as she felt Tokoyami touch her shoulder. Then she turned around to face him.

Tokoyami: "Your costume suits you. I think it looks..very nice."

N: Aika was silent then she gave a small smile. Tokoyami's heart continued to beat faster and his face wasn't as red as it was a minute ago.

Aika: "Thank you Tokoyami. You really are different than what I thought you'd be. But, you might wanna work on your confidence a bit." She told him as she gave a small partial smile and crossed her arms.

Tokoyami: "Alright."

N: Tokoyami looked up to see the butterfly still in Aika's hair. After all this time since they left and arrived, she didn't take it off. He looked back at Aika and she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Then she caught him staring at her again, but she didn't say anything. She just looked at the ground and pretended that she didn't notice.

(Woo, wht a chapter!:) Anyways, thank you all so much for getting me to 1k reads! I'm glad you're all enjoying the story, stick around a little more. See ya in the shadows;)

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