❤️Todo x Iida💙 pt.2

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Date story was written:
March 8, 2021


     It had been two weeks since everything happened with Iida. Since then I've gone 3 more times. It was a Saturday now and we were all eating dinner in the common room. I ate a good portion of my food but kinda zoned out and just played with the rest until I felt a hand on my back. I jump sitting up straight having been snapped out my thoughts "Hey, it's just me." The voice was anything but threatening so I knew it was Iida. "Just saw you were kind of out of it, everything alright." It was sudden but I answered once I composed myself from the initial shock "O-oh yeah....just-" I stopped myself looking down at my food "Need to come over again?" I was relieved I didn't have to say anything, I look up at him with a soft smile "Yeah, that would be nice." He gives an affirming nod and I get up to throw my food away and wash my plate. I take a few steps before getting stopped "Oh one more thing, I have a surprise for you tonight" that was all he said before leaving.

     Once I got back to my dorm I got some stuff ready to spend the night and started walking to his dorm. It was hard to get into his dorm without the people in the common room noticing but I managed well. I got inside "Hello..." He looked surprised "Oh! Hello Todoroki-kun" I fidgeted with my bag. "You said you had a supwise" I mumbled in the softest voice possible "Yes I do" He fumbled around with some stuff behind him while I leaned my head to sneak a peak. To no avail I waited patiently until he found it "Ok so, please don't get mad at me but I did some research about.... this and I found some stuff" I flinched, what did he find? Is it bad? Would he not want to see me anymore? Does he think I'm weird? All these thoughts were running in my head and he could see it. "It's ok sweetheart don't worry." Sweetheart? I didn't hate it, in fact I enjoyed the pet name. A light blush dusted across my face as he comes over and hug's me. There was a box next to me and I started getting curious. I pulled away from the hug and reached for it but before I touched it I pulled my hands away and looked up at Iida. He nodded in approval saying I could open it. It had...baby stuff in it? I don't know what it's called but it feels like two different mindsets and the one I am in around Iida quickly faded to my normal mindset again. "Iida-" he cut my off "Before you freak out let me explain! It's not as weird as it sounds I promise..." I look at the box then back at him visibly relaxing before he starts "So there is something called age regression I found. It's where you regress to the mindset of a child, baby, or toddler to help cope with stress or trauma. I think this is what has been happening." "So what is all this baby stuff have to do with this?" He chuckles nervously "Well you're supposed to kind of...use...it?" There is a moment of shock in my face before I actually think about it. It seems odd and definitely not normal but, it doesn't seem bad. "We can just give it a try? Or we don't have to try if you aren't comfortable and we can just do what we've been doing!" I look around thinking about everything. Once my thoughts are composed I look at him "it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" He gives me a big smile and nods vigorously seeming more excited than I am.

   He puts me one the bed setting up my blankets and pillows like normal. He gives me his hoodie and I hesitantly put it on along with my pajama pants. He put on a movie and grabbed something from the box, setting the box on the bed once he closed it again. He left the room and I was very confused, kinda scared too, but he came back in no time. He was trying to hide whatever he was holding from my sight so I just ignored it and watched the movie. He got changed and once he was done I opened my arms to him making a little whining noise. "Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm all done now though." He came over scooping me up and putting me in his lap still with whatever he was holding. I put my head on his shoulder and started watching the movie. I unconsciously put my shirt in my mouth to chew on it "How about we try this instead okay baby?" My heart skipped a beat with all these new nicknames but it made me fall deeper and deeper into this mindset. I felt so comfortable with him. He grabbed the box and pulled out a white pacifier I stared at it for a moment before he moved it towards my lips. I slightly parted them letting the plastic sink comfortably in, it was actually quite nice. I giggled a bit "Do you like it?" I nodded "Oh! You don't mind me calling you these names and talking to you like this right? I just heard it was supposed to help but I'll stop if-" I laid my head back down cutting him off "It ok" my head felt fuzzy but it didn't hurt like a headache? It was warm and I was happy for the first time in a while.

Word count: 992

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