❤️Todo x Iida💙

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Caregiver: Iida Date story was written:
Little: Todoroki Feb. 15, 2021

I'm this one Todoroki is in little space he just doesn't know it.

Todoroki didn't know what was happening, why he felt like this. He shouldn't be feeling like this but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't help it. It started after the first time he saw his mom again, the memories came flooding back and it wasn't very good. The good and the bad flashed through his mind for months. He just wanted to be a child. He wanted to be held and cared for. He wanted to be a child again but he wanted a normal life. He started having nightmares almost every night. There were so many things building up in him but he didn't know how to let go of them.

I flung straight up out of my bed "Another nightmare" I stated to no one but myself. They had just been getting worse every night. I get up and leave the dorm room not even bothering to check the time. I get to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. I couldn't go back to sleep, not this time, so I sat on the couch and curled up in a blanket. For some reason without my own choice tears fell. A single tear at first, then another and so on, staining my cheeks. I sniffled a bit. My head was hurting now and I felt really fuzzy. I heard the floorboards creak and I automatically stopped. It was silent then a soft "Hello?" I turn my head to see who it was....oh it's just Iida. I don't know why but his presence was comfortable and I felt like I was safe now that someone found me. I didn't want him to see me crying but I wanted someone to comfort me. "Hi" I responded softly back. He walked into the dim light "Oh, it's just you Todoroki. Why are you up at this time? We have class tomorrow you should be in bed." He sounded concerned but, for all the wrong reasons "Couldn't sleep" he walked over and sat next to me as I continued "Why are you up?" "Well I thought I heard something so I went to check it out. It was just you though..." "Sorry I didn't mean to be loud. I'll be quiet now, sorry again for interrupting your sleep." He nodded in response but sat still "Are you ok Todoroki? I don't mean to pry but it sounded like you were....crying" I let in a quick breath that sounded more like a soft gasp. "I'll be okay Iida, don't worry about me." I gave him as much of a smile as I could. He lifted his hand and brought it to my cheek "If you're ok why are your cheeks all red and why are there tears" "I said I'll be fine" I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my face. I didn't mean to be rude I was just scared. I looked at his face, I wanted to says something anything! I wanted to move and run away, god, just do something other than sit here. My body curled up even more and I hid my face. I started crying more and harder this time. I thought he'd just leave me and part of me wanted him to but, he stayed. He wrapped his arms around me and started shushing me. He rubbed my back lightly saying soft things. I didn't know why he was doing this or why I was doing this, or why any of this was happening in the first place. I started to calm down to just hiccups. Almost on reflex I put my thumb in my mouth, it felt comforting. The silence was deafening. He stood up but I grabbed his arm "Please....please don't leave me..." it was soft but loud enough for him to hear "Hey it's ok, I wasn't going to leave don't worry." He picked me up me up bridal style and I hid my face in his arm. He didn't question why I had my thumb in my mouth and I was grateful for that. "Do you want to go back to your dorm? Or....if you wanted we can go to mine..." "yours please" Once we got to his dorm he sat me on his bed. I looked at him as he shuffled around his room. He grabbed an unopened bottle of water and handed it to me. I shakily grabbed it and took a few sips "Thank you. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble" "Nonsense, it's fine. As class rep I have to make sure everyone is checked up on. We may have quirks in this school but I'm not a mind reader Todoroki, you have to tell me if somethings up. You don't have to tell me what it is, just something like *hey I haven't been feeling the best* will do just fine." I nodded, he sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" a light blush dusted across my face but I nodded. We laid down together in a nice comfortable silence, he held me close. This is it, this is what I wanted.

Word count: 896

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