You Are (Not) My Destiny Part 21

Start from the beginning

"By the way, how about your faculty's basketball or football team? I'm not sure about my team, to be honest. Maybe we will immediately lose in the first match," complained Donghyun.

"Don't be like that, can't you be a solo player?"

"And beat you all? Seriously."

"My faculty's basketball team is pretty good. There's Bojin hyong too. I think if we practice often, there will be hope for the finals," predicted Dongsun.

"Well, my faculty is the opposite. We are better at football. But I'm still worried if I fight against those who are in the faculty of sports," complained Hyeil hyong.

"Uh, not really. Who knows, your teams might surprise us. My team seems fine. But I heard from Joonki, the team from the business faculty is not convincing either."

"I think I can't wait for the next month to arrive. Our faculty holds a cooking competition," said Dongsun.

We all laughed at how "it has nothing to do with" the engineering faculty with cooking. But the sports faculty holding a band competition is quite strange too.

"About that! I heard Yeowoo said she was going to join the cooking competition."

"Are you serious she can cook?" asked Hyeil hyong with a scared expression.

"I have no idea. I hope she can."

"Later, don't forget to stop by our faculty's Haunted Maze," Donghyun ordered.

"Oh! I heard it's really fun!" said Dongsun, "you guys are using the D parking area right?"

"No wonder I can't hang around in the area there and I will be driven away every time I approach. Apparently you guys were the one who booked the area."

"Yes, actually the voting was quite strong for the maze and ghost house games, so we just combined the games."

"But Donghyun, you're afraid..."

"Min Dongsun-ssi?"

Our conversation was interrupted, even Joonki, who just joined us on the sidelines, froze when he was going to take a towel. There was a girl who approached us, and we've never seen her before. She is quite a cute girl: her long hair is left loose, her face looks cute, her body is cute too. What is the relationship between this girl and Dongsun?

"Yes, that's me. What is it?" asked Dongsun trying to remain friendly even though he was confused.

"Greetings, I'm Kang Haneul, majoring in fashion design in the second semester," said the girl, holding out her hand to greet Dongsun.

"And I'm Min Dongsun. Oh, you said my name before. I'm majoring in architecture and I'm also in the second semester."

"Actually I want to ask your help."

"What can I do for you?"

"Maybe you have heard that our faculty is holding a fashion show competition. But there will be no activities such as walking on the catwalk, there will only be photo sessions and our models have to wear those costumes for the three days of the event, that is if our costumes enter the final round."

"Yes, I heard about that. Then?"

"Will you be my model?"

Joonki dropped the towel. Dongsun is not bad, he is even handsome. But what's going on all of a sudden, why did he get an offer from this designer girl he didn't know?

"Oh, but I... I actually lack of confidence," said Dongsun softly, "what do you think of my friends? Take Heo Chungdae for example."

"No, Dongsun, I have no interest in modeling as well on campus."

(English ver) You Are (Not) My Destiny // 넌 내 운명(안)입니다Where stories live. Discover now