You Are (Not) My Destiny Part 52

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Set up your music player, find the song and listen to it while you read the story part of this novel. Set up your music player, find the song and listen while you read the part of the story of this novel.

1. Kim Jaehwan – Some Days

2. N. FLYING – Spring Memories

3. THE BOYZ – Spring Snow

4. Doyoung & Sejeong – Star Blossom

5. UP10TION – Still with You

6. Ha Sungwoon – Think of You

7. Bolbbalgan4 – To My Youth

8. EXO - Wait

9. ASTRO – We Still

10. Jeong Sewoon – When You Call My Name


"What is this?"

Donghyun voiced what was in my head too. Donghyun and I just arrived at Choeun noona's apartment. My activities finished at 8 pm and Choeun noona said she was cooking something and wanted us to stop by her apartment for a "very late" meal, Eunyul noona was also there. But as soon as we opened the door to her apartment, apart from being greeted by the faces of the two women we loved, there were two winged animals perched in one big white cage. The cage is very conspicuous because it is placed opposite the front door.

"Aren't they beautiful?"

I don't know what the definition of "beautiful" is that Choeun noona mentioned. Eunyul noona sat on the sofa and looked at the contents of the cage with a gaze full of love. Donghyun had come to his senses from his shock, I guess because he was a vet, he quickly controlled himself and investigated the contents of the cage. There were two owls in the cage, they were still quite small (just a little bigger than 10 cm I think), both white with black spots on the top of their heads, and from mid-chest down. Their eyes looked alert and looked probingly at the humans who were busy observing them as well. Yes, their white fur is indeed... beautiful, to borrow Choeun noona's term.

"This is Milo, the male, I will take care of him, and the female Rubi, will be raised by Eunyul eonni."

"How do you tell the difference?" I asked confused.

"Milo's eyes are very narrow, look, when he smiles, his eyes disappear. He reminds me of Donghyun."

I don't understand how an owl can smile.

"Wait, take a look at this. Milo ya, Milo ya!"

As if hearing Choeun noona's call, the owl that seemed to be a little bigger turned towards its master and... gosh, is he really smiling? The owl opened its beak and its eyes disappeared. Donghyun laughed.

"Okay, I admit his eyes look like mine when he's like that," laughed Donghyun, "but now noona is comparing me to a snow owl? Noona used to compare me to a dog, and now an owl? When will noona consider me as a normal human?"

"If Donghyun hugs me, I will consider you a normal human," Choeun noona replied shyly.

Donghyun then came forward to give her a backhug accompanied by laughter. Me and Eunyul noona can only look at each other resignedly. Eunyul noona got up and took my hand towards the dining room. On the dining table was a large bowl of still warm tteokbokki (there was a piece of chili floating around that made me shudder) and there were a few skewers of odeng in the bowl as well. Eunyul noona sat down and I sat next to her.

"What's wrong, why is Choeun noona suddenly cooking this much?" I asked confused, "anyone's birthday?"

"No, she just wanted to meet you guys, and celebrate Milo and Rubi's arrival."

(English ver) You Are (Not) My Destiny // 넌 내 운명(안)입니다Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu