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You wake up the next morning the past day went in a blur, mostly spending it on the jet, you looked to your left to find Bucky looking down at you "You alright?" he asked.
"Hmm, ya, yesterday went I a blur," you said close your eyes.
Bucky nodded, "That what happens sometimes."
"Come on, let's get coffee," you told him, as you threw off the blanket, the both of you walk out to the kitchen you started the coffee machine, Bucky and you started making breakfast, "So what's on the schedule today?" you asked him.
"Some training, and then maybe a da-" he was cut off by the elevator dinging open.
"Sorry, but whatever you have plans you need to cancel it, I can not receive another letter or email saying that they have to have an interview with the Avengers/Steve Rogers granddaughter, I'm going insane so today is going to be one of those days." Pepper informed both of you.
Bucky turned to you "Or maybe none of what we were going to do." then he turned back to Pepper, "When do we need to go?"
"By nine, so you have an hour," she turned to you, "Y/n don't worry they usually have, wardrobe there so, you can just wear normal clothes, also don't wear makeup or do to mutch to your hair." She informed you, she turned down one of the halls to inform the other teammates.
The coffee machine made the little sound that it made when it was finished, you turned and poured yourself a cup and stuck it in the freezer, then Bucky poured himself a mug, and sipped on it, "You alright?"
You turned to him, "No, I am most certainly not alright." You snapped "Sorry."
"No, it's alright, I understand, It's stressful," Bucky said.
You looked to the ground, "It's family never wanted this...never wanted to be in the spotlight, I knew that ya, as an Avenger I'd be in that spotlight, but I thought I would be in it as Y/n Y/l/n, and not Y/n Rogers, ya' know?"
"Sorry, but no I don't know," he shook his head.
You got down to the station where the interviews were going to be on live t.v. you were ushered into a dressing room, where someone started to hold up outfits to your chest, and seeing which one would look best, you were handed a blue off the shoulder dress with tan heel boots and a gold necklace, you put them on and then were sat in front of a mirror, and a hairstylist started to straighten your hair, and another started to do you makeup, then you were led to the stage bright lights hitting your face, as they did a slight touch up on your makeup, Bucky came next to you, the both of you sat on the chairs, Sam came out and sat in another chair next to Bucky.
"Lights, Camera, and go." A producer said.
"Hellow and good morning America on this very fine morning, I've got three Avengers with us today, one of them being the newest addition," The camera pan's over to the three of you, "So tell me, what was the New Years Eve fiasco?" the host asked.
"That is disclosed to the public until further notice," Sam told him.
The host nodded, "Alright, well, Mis. Rogers? Was the reason you got in the Avengers only because you are the granddaughter of Captian America?" he asked you.
You took in a breath, "No, I originally joined the Avengers under a fake last name."
"And what was that name?" he asked.
"I really shouldn't say." you shook your head.
"Okay, well there have been rumors that you and Mr. Barnes here are in a relationship." he held up pictures of you and Bucky leaving the coffee shop, "Is that true?"
"Yes on the night of the New Year's part I confirmed I and Y/n were in a relationship for two months, almost three." Bucky looked to you with a smile, "Do you have anything to add?"
"I and Bucky, are soulmates," you confirmed.
"Wait, wait I thought you didn't have a soulmate Mr. Barnes, you've said this on multiple accounts." The interviewer said.
"Well I used to think I didn't but, We found out two months ago that we were, I was the first to realize, and then Y/n found out a few days later we took out relationship slow for the first couple of weeks, and then it progressed," Bucky explained.
"Speaking of soulmates what about you Mr.Willson?" the interviewer asked.
"No I have not found them yet but I can feel that I soon will," Sam said.
"So Mr. Wilson has Mis. Roger, being reviled to be Captain America's Grandaughter, changed anything about you wanting to take up the mantel of being the new Captain America, or are you planning on giving her the Shield, because she is Steve Rogers Grandaughter." He said.
All three of your faces dropped, "No," you were the first to speak up "I don't plan on being Captain America...ever my Grandfather chose Sam, and it will be Sam who is Captain America, and the government and I can not change that." your anger peaked at the end, you took a breath in and let it out, "Next question."
"How does your family feel about you being an Avenger Mis. Rogers?"
"My family is very happy for me, and only wish for me to be the best that I can." You answered.
The interviews went on for what felt like hours, literally you were basically in the same building just in different rooms, sitting and answering almost the same questions.
You sat in a chair next to Bucky this interviewer only wanted you to know about your relationship and other things of sorts about your private life, making your anxiety go to an all-time high.
You and Bucky got back to the compound and you almost ran to your room, Sam turned to Bucky, "I take it, the interviews didn't go well, for her."
"I don't know?" he said and followed after you, he knocked on the door, "Y/n, can I come in?" his voice was soft, he heard a soft cry from you, he slowly opened the door to find you face down on the pillows in the clothes that you keep from the set, "What's wrong?"
"Why do they expect me to be someone I'm not, they think I'm him, I can't be him." you sobbed.
"They want hope, and they want you to be that hope, but Y/n, you don't have to be that, you don't need to be that, your right you arent him you are only a small part of him, but I can tell you this, He would have been proud of you today, with the way you handled the questions." He told you honestly, "Now how about you get into something comfier and we watch some movies or something."
You looked up at him "Alright, I love you, thank you for making me feel better." you kissed him, he kissed you back and went to his room, you got out of the blankets and walked to the bathroom, you took a makeup wipe and wiped it up you looked in the mirror, when you did your eyebrows furrowed, "Grandpa?" you rubbed your eyes and he was gone, you walked into your closet and got into your pajamas, you walked out, and to the movie theater room where you meet Bucky who was wearing only sweatpants and had your favorite cream white blanket, "I've been looking for that everywhere where has it been?"
"You left it in my room, the last time we slept in there," he explained, "What do you want to watch?"
"I was thinking back to the future?" you offered cuddling up to him.

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