I Can Do This All Day

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Present 2024-
Five years of not having mysterious wounds appear on your skin, five years of not feeling pain at random times, so when you were sitting, on your couch and feeling a random punch to your lower stomach it kinda concerned you, A particular pain made your whole body hurt, "Ow Fuck!"
Bucky fought off the aliens using his rifle Steve came to help when he saw his friend got a particularly bad hit in his lower stomach "I'm sure your glad you don't have a soulmate now." Steve said to him.
"Now more than ever," he shot down two of the bigger ones, one of Thanos's canons on his ship hit in their direction as they dived to the ground, so they wouldn't get hit.
After about an hour the pain's and cuts and bruises stopped, you layed out on the couch sighing in relief, "Finally." you groned out.
There was a knock on the door, "Ugg, Just come in I can't get up right now!" you call out.
Your mom walked in "What happened?" she asked seeing the marks covering your body.
"My best friend is also known as my soulmate is back," You told her, "So what's up why you here?" you asked her.
"Steve told us he couldn't get a hold of you," she said talking about your grandpa.
"Well I think if I tried to get up in the past hour it would end in more pain, and my phone is in my bedroom," you told her.
"I'll get it for you," she walked down the hall and picked your phone off of your bed stand, "Here chek it, you'll be happy." she handed it to you.
You opened it, and almost screamed in excitement, "He actually is going to let me join the Avengers!" you were excited.
Your mom's eyes widened "Really?" she asked, "Won't the whole thing with your soulmate be a complication?"
"I don't really know, But I finally get to do my dream job." you sighed with excitement.
Months later you drove up to the new Avengers compound as it was called, you drove up and were stopped by security, "Guess ID." you didn't have that but you did have your regular ID, you handed it to him, "This isn't going to work."
"Can you please just try and scan it," you asked.
He rolled his eyes "Fine," he scans it, and his eyes widened in surprise when it was
already in the system, "Go on?" he said with confusion you drove threw the gate that opened.
The who was left of the Avengers sat in the kitchen eating a quiet breakfast, "There's someone arriving." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Chimed in.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. who?" Bruce asked the AI.
"A woman," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied with not helping them.
"What the hell is that thing for?" Bucky asked Sam.
"I'll explain later," Sam stood up with a slight eye roll.
They walked outside, to see who they were going to either talk to or fight.
You walked up and saw them come outside, you got a foot away from them "Thats close enough." James Roads better known as War machine said, "Who are you?"
"Y/n Y/l/n," you told them your fake last name, not wanting to get into the Avengers just because of who your grandfather is.
"Why are you here and How did you get through scarcity?" Bruce asked.
"I wanna be an Avenger," You tell them honestly.
"That's not how we do things around here," Bruce told you.
"Well, it's not like there are applications online or a way to send in my resume." you folded your arms over your chest, "And My ID is in the system."
"How, why do you want to be an Avenger," Sam asked.
"Let's just say it's in my family, to want to do the right thing." You told them cutting around the edges.
"No, I'm sorry but this isn't a great time, nore do we need more Avengers," Bruce told you.
"I'll come back every day if I have to," you tell him.
You could tell by the look on the big green guy's face he didn't believe you.
Yet you came back the next day and had another stand down with the group, of people, and the same for the next and the day after that, after a week of coming to the Compound and talking to the Avengers which were less and less each day.
"You just never gonna give up are you?" Bruce asked.
"I can do this all day, if you want to see my commitment, I will show you If you want me to."
"Go home," he told you with underlying anger.
"See you tomorrow big green," you turned to go back to your car.
Bruce walked into the Compound "What did she say today?" Sam asked following him.
"I'll quote her 'I can do this all day, if you want to see my commitment, I will show you If you want me to,' were her exact words." Bruce walked out angrily.
You got out of your car, the next morning, no one was outside, you walked further onto the property, and into the building, "Hello?" you called out confused, walking threw the nicely furnished building, as you walked looking around, you bumped into someone, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." you apologized.
"It's alright you looked up to see a ginger."
"Pepper," you whisper to yourself.
"Are you looking for someone?"
"Um, Ya I'm Y/n Y/l/n-" She cut you off.
"You're the one that the guys are talking about."
"They're talking about me, that's good I guess."
"Your sure you wanna be an Avenger?"
"Of course."
"I'll see what I can do."

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