
I laughed at his antics cause I don't even know why he's setting himself up like this. I climbed off of him and handed him the lotion. "Go take care of that." I said kissing the side of his face. "You really gone do me like that Ry?" he went to get up but I quickly ran out the room. Kairi was downstairs waiting on me so I grabbed my keys and we headed out. She climbed into her seat and strapped herself in, I made sure she did it properly and we headed towards her school. "Mommy?" she called out. "Yes Kai?"
"Where's uncle Chris?" she asked looking out the window. I felt my heart break, "um he's in heaven baby." She simply said oh and dropped the conversation. It made me sad to think that if this affected Kai like this I couldn't imagine how CJ felt. It had been awhile since we had CJ but I also hadn't heard from Brooke either which was unusual. The ride to Kai's school was quiet, once we made it I parked the car and got out with her walking beside me. "Ready for our daily affirmations?" I asked her as we walked hand in hand. "Yes ma'am."
"I am beautiful." I said to her, she repeated to herself. "I am honest." I said as she repeated everything I said. "I love my brown skin." I said to her. She repeated me, "I am smart." I said to her.
Once we finished we was at the entrance of her school, "Good job." I said squatting down to her level. "You're gonna have a good day okay?" I said with a smile. She nodded and pulled me in for a hug, "I love you." she said. "I love you more baby girl." I said kissing her forehead. "Me and daddy will see you later okay?" she nodded and headed inside with the other kids. Once I could no longer see her I headed back to my car, the ride to the house was silent just how I liked it.


When I woke up I saw that Ry was back she stripped out of her clothes and left them on the floor. She was laying under me lightly snoring, it was only 8am so she must've just gotten back. I laid there trying to go back to sleep but I just couldn't. I got up and did my hygiene, I knew she was gonna wake up if I wasn't back in the bed soon so I laid back down. I scrolled on my phone for awhile, handled some business emails and kept in contact with August.

I didn't realize that I dozed off until I heard a knock on the door, I eased out of the bed and headed downstairs towards the door. I opened the door and there stood Ryan and Brooke's old friend Paris, I frowned cause why was she here if they weren't friends. I told her give me a minute and I quickly closed the door. I was just glad that I had on pants cause that would've been awkward, I headed up the stairs and tapped Ryan. "Dave, whatever it is can it wait? I'm sleepy." she said turning away from me. "Ole girl outside." I said tapping her again. She sat up with an attitude, she threw on one of my shirts and some shorts, she walked out the room heading towards the door. her hair was in its natural state, her curls were all over her head as she swung the door open. "Why are you here?" I heard her say. "I didn't think you would still be with him all these years." the girl said. I frowned and listened, "let that nigga fuck you and I would love to see if you leave." Ryan said being a smart ass. "Ryan why can't you and Brooke just forgive me? I wanna be able to be in my niece and nephews life." when she said that Ryan laughed hard as hell. "Niece? Nephew? Girl get the fuck on. Our kids aren't your niece or nephew, you hadn't been around in 5 plus years why you keep trying?" Ryan said clearly annoyed. "Cause Ryan I was in love with you!" she yelled out pushing Ry. Aw hell, I knew things were gonna be bad when she did that. All hell broke lose and her and Ryan was in the living room fighting, she was putting up a good fight but Ry was getting the best of her. One thing Ryan didn't like was when somebody put their hands on her, she'll talk to you all day but that shit goes out the window when you touch her. "Aye!" I yelled trying to pull Ryan off of her, once I successfully separated the two. I saw babe had a cut on her face, she seemed annoyed and hurt that it resulted in this. "Ryan you know damn well that this man is gonna be the death of you, everybody can see it but you! Just think about it you've had 3 pregnancies but only 1 kid on this earth, God is punishing you for your decisions. Your marriage fell apart and you're still with him, hell you had a good man but you left him to go back to the same man that broke you?"


How did she know much about me? How did she know about my pregnancies? Or my relationship with Antonio? How did she know all this shit about me and we haven't been friends in years? Long before Kairi was even thought of, I didn't understand. Dave pulled me back to the kitchen and demanded that she left. Once she walked out, he closed and locked the door behind her. He started picking up the stuff we knocked over and I just sat back examining his every move. "Dave.." I called out to him. "Yes Ry?" he asked still picking up stuff. "Who'd you tell my business to?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. "Ryan what?" he asked with a frown. "You're the only one who knew exactly who I was with and how many times I was pregnant?" I said standing up. "Alexis... she asked about me and you and why we didn't work, at the time I thought it would've been more permanent than it actually was." I nodded but didn't say anything. I was actually furious but it was something that was old, I got up and headed upstairs. I didn't wanna be second guessing me and Antonio but I couldn't help but to think that Paris might've been right, me and him got along great we were so much alike that it was crazy. Plus we never argued about anything, he was open and honest it was just his ex that caused me to remove myself from him, but now I'm wondering if I made the right decision doing that..

Black Rose Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora