Omar is back

Depuis le début

Before they sleep again

Yasmine:-(asked) What happened to Omar why did he changed into bad?

Aladdin:-I don't know,He was died when I was 14 and we buried him too.He was a great warrior and a good hearted man.He said to me the king betrayed him and frame him as a traitor of Agrabah.But I understood that Zafar was behind and the king was innocent.

Yasmine:-Then How did he changed into Witcher.

Aladdin:-I told you before I don't know.I wish If Pravin is here.There will be no problem and it was the first time Pravin was not here to rescue.

Aladdin lean on Yasmine's shoulder and Yasmine combs his hair with her hand.

Yasmine:-Don't worry I am here for you.

In the Morning,Yasmine went to the castle through the secret doors but Zafar guessed it and sitted in the chair in the king's room.Yasmine was shocked seeing him.

Zafar:-Round Two.

He throw a sword towards her.She picked it and both were fighted This time Zafar was going to win the fight before that.Aladdin searched the box he found it and gave to someone to take it to the base.Aladdin went to the king room and stole the king's diary.
Yasmine pushed Zafar with the sword and escaped from the castle.They went to the base.

Yasmine:-Why did you come to the castle?

Aladdin:-If I had not come,you would have been defeated and prisoned.

Yasmine:-What about the box?

Aladdin:-Yes,Here it is.

Yasmine checked his father's diary and Aladdin opened the box.He saw a drawing of Aladdin but it looked different and in the back of the portrait Ali will come soon.

Aladdin:-Who is he?(Easter Egg)

Yasmine read his father's diary that there is a passage Zombie can be changed into human when Queen claims.Yasmine doesn't understand and confused.

Aladdin:-I understood but I don't understand what the painting says?

Yasmine:-I understood.

She smiled.

Aladdin:-(asked) why are you smiling?

Yasmine:-Previously Pravin told me about another picture.A person we see in the painting is not the person in real.

Aladdin still confused and asked


Yasmine:-There is no need or no clue to help you always,Aladdin.You have to trust yourself,your skills, Your plans then you will be the person in the portrait Ali.I like the name too.

she smiled.

Yasmine:-Now tell me what is the passage mean?

Aladdin:-Pravin told me about your grandmother she has a crown which can destroy the evil spirits like Zombie.It can be used thirce.The diary mentioned that the crown is in the castle treasure room.

They went to the treasure room and There is a lock which has 7 letters magical voice recognition password.

Yasmine:-I didn't know what the password.

Aladdin:-What shall we do now?

After awhile,

Aladdin:-I am sure it must be someone close to him name.

Yasmine:-Who is it with 7 letters password.

Aladdin:-It must be your name Yasmine.

Yasmine:-Yes,your are right.

But the Door doesn't opened.

Yasmine:-The door is not opening,Aladdin.

Suddenly The door opened.They were both shocked.

Yasmine:-Why did he kept your name has password in anger with some jealous.

Aladdin:-I don't know but now we have to take the crown and leave first.

Aladdin stole the crown and they went to the courtroom.She sitted the throne and Aladdin placed the crown in the head of Yasmine.

Suddenly a thunder sound came and all the subjects turned into human but
the king was with Zafar and Omar.In a cart,Zafar and Omar traveling to Egypt which drives by the king.
Suddenly the Zombie king change into human.

Omar:-Queen claimed the throne.

Zafar was shocked and asked

Zafar:-How the hell they escaped from the Zombie?

Omar:-Don't worry there is one last chance.

Zafar:-What is it?

They killed the king.Omar said something to Zafar.

Zafar:-Thanks Omar.It will work.Now go to Agrabah and Kill Aladdin and Yasmine.

Omar bowed.Omar went to the castle and saw Aladdin so he tried to backstab but before that someone catch the sword.Omar saw Pravin bleeding in his hands because of him.But Pravin doesn't felt the pain because his pain lesser than his confusion.


Omar's Witcher form change when he saw Pravin's blood.Omar and Sarah checking hands and Aladdin ran to take medicines.

Omar:-Pravin is that you.


They hugged in tears of joy.

Omar:- Zafar told me you died before and black thieves gang was ended because of the king.

Pravin:-Yes,The black thieves was ended because we joined in the army of Agrabah because of the king and his daughter Princess Yasmine.

Omar was shocked and felt stupid that Zafar used him.

Pravin:-How did you came alive father?

Omar eye's changed into red.

Omar:-Now I understood Zafar cheated me and framed me as a traitor but he doesn't kill me.
He has a sister(Easter egg) She changed me into the Witcher.He gave a fake body to bury so that you doesn't get suspicious.

Yasmine:-Where is my father?

Omar:-Zafar killed your father.

but the truth is Omar killed him.
Yasmine felt heartbroken and her eyes starts to weep uncontrollably after hearing the sentence.She shouted Father and fell down cried.

Omar:-It is no time to cry princess
I had done a mistake.

Pravin:-What is it dad?

Omar:-I told him about a stone which will change the timeline.

Yasmine wiped his tears and they all get ready to the travel in Pravin's cart.
Here Zafar came to the stone place with the small army of Egypt.The stone was inside the cave which was in Hindustan.Before going inside the cave,Zafar gets piece of paper which was sent by the minister.

The minister:-Pravin and Sarah escaped from us.They were rescued by Pirates and I have no chance other than dying.Hail Mucchad.

Zafar smiled and

Zafar:-Mucchad nice name.

Thanks for reading:-

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