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The market of Agrabah were crowded like everyday.A ten years old boy was trying to calm his crying sister.

Sarah:-Brother,I couldn't able to control my hunger.

Aladdin:-I understand, Sister but we don't have money to buy foods.

Sarah:-(disappointed) Sorry brother for disturbing you.

Aladdin:-Wait here let me buy you food and come.

Aladdin went to a fruit shop and asked job but they denied it.

Aladdin saw a man's gold badge was dropped from him so Aladdin gave it back to him.

Man:-This is a precious thing to me,boy.Thanks for giving it back.

Aladdin did his nod gesture and left to the fruit shop again.Aladdin stole an apple and ran to Sarah to give the apple.Before that,The Princess who was also ten years old saw Aladdin stealing the apple and she snatched it while moving in the chariot.Aladdin mesmerized seeing her but after she left he came to sense that he needs food to give Sarah.Aladdin sadly came to see Sarah but she was eating foods.

Aladdin:-Who gave you this food?

Pravin:-I am.

Aladdin:-Sister,I told you never to receive anything from strangers.

Pravin:-Well,We can be friends hereafter if you think me as a stranger.I am Pravin,Son of Great warrior of Agrabah Akim.

Omar:-You can call me Omar.

Omar was the one Aladdin helped by giving the golden badge.Aladdin and Sarah was orphan who was held as slaves.They escaped and came to Agrabah.After hearing it,Omar decided to raise them with Pravin.

After ten years,In this tens year,Life changes a lot.Omar was framed as traitor so he left the castle and live in forest constructing a tree house with his family Pravin, Aladdin and Sarah.
Pravin and Aladdin became like brothers and do everything together
eat,work,play and sleep but Sarah feels different with Pravin.She can differentiate her love for Aladdin and Pravin.She does not know what to name it.Pravin learns everything from his father but he didn't teach him about love.So Pravin can't describe his feeling for Sarah on that age.

In the country,Omar notice that the economic of Agrabah make the people suffer.So Omar,Pravin and Aladdin decided to steal some goods and give it to people indirectly.Three years passed,One day,When Omar, Pravin and Aladdin stealing they were surrounded by the army.Omar made Pravin and Aladdin escape sacrificing himself.

Omar:-Pravin,Take Aladdin and run..I will stop them.

Pravin:-Dad,You can't.We will run... Please run with us.

Omar:-Aladdin...Take him...

Aladdin pulled Pravin towards him and ran.

Pravin:-Dad....Dad..No.... Leave him...Daddddd..

After they escaped and went to their home.Aladdin cried and explain it to Sarah.Pravin felt angry on Aladdin and grab his shirt.

Pravin:-Why did not you leave me?
I would have saved my father...

Aladdin:-I am sorry but Master sacrificed himself for us.I don't want it to waste.

Pravin:-(angrily)Sacrifice? I would have escaped from them...If you let me think for few seconds,I would have saved my father.

Aladdin:-There is an army...Still they are searching us.We need to run some other country.

Pravin:-Running...It will not end it...
I won't leave without a fight.For Father....

Aladdin Without GenieWhere stories live. Discover now