Omar is back

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Zafar asked the minister to leave them in the last island of the world.Zafar left and went to Agrabah.Pravin and Sarah prisoned inside the ship.It was a small room.They were inside the room for 2 days.They doesn't get basic needs like food,water, shelter and freshness.Their hands and legs were tied.Sarah's condition was too bad and She was fainted.Pravin shouted in his highest level of sound for help.The Minister came and see the condition of Sarah.He ignored her and close the door.Now the door also closed.Pravin was struggling to breathe.

Pravin:-When will you come friend?

Pravin gave up his hope but suddenly a canon ball hitted the ship.The room were Pravin and Sarah prisoned.
Pravin released from the rope with the help of 🔪 which has symbol of ☠️ which was thrown in by the hole the canon ball made.

The Minister :-(asked to the captain) who the hell is attacking us.

The Captain:- (replied)Pirates.

Suddenly they heard a voice of Pravin

Pravin:-Wrong,it was Pirates of Carribbean.

The Minister was shocked and asked

Minister:-How the hell did you escaped?

Pravin gets a plate full of food in one hand and he raised his hand to the ship.Jack Sparrow the Captain of the pirates hats off to him.He asked his mates to hit the ship with the canon balls again.The ship destroyed.Pravin saved Sarah and went to the Jack sparrow's ship.Pravin asked

Pravin:- I asked you to save me yesterday.

Jack Sparrow:-I know but I can't control the weather so that I am late.

Pravin:-It is okay how are you?

Jack sparrow:-Fine as a diamond.Now I don't owe anything to you,mate.

Pravin:-Yeah,Take me to the Agrabah and I will tell you a secret about extraction Black pearl ship from the bottle.

All of them were shocked and curious to know about the black pearl ship.Sarah wake up but again fainted seeing Ragetti a ugly face man.
They went their travel to Agrabah.
Here,Zafar reached Agrabah their all of the subjects were turned into Zombie.Zafar went to the castle.Omar stand up and came near and bow down to Zafar when he came inside the courtroom.

Zafar:-Good work,Omar.

Omar nods his head.Zafar reached the throne and asked

Zafar:-Did Aladdin and Yasmine change into zombie?

Omar:-They came to the courtroom but they escaped from us by the secret doors.


Zafar doesn't sit in the throne until he defeat Yasmine in sword fight.

Omar:-Don't worry master I will change them soon.

Zafar:- I know you will Omar.

Here,Aladdin speaking to the people who escaped from turning into zombies.

Aladdin:-No, I couldn't have chance to go to the park.

Yasmine:-Don't worry we will soon find a solution.Don't lose hope.

The people of Agrabah who doesn't change into Zombie were inside the base of black thieves.Aladdin trying to find out the place which was in the map and it was big park of Agrabah but the zombie were roaming there.So Aladdin doesn't get the chance to find the box.The Moon arrived.All were sleeping but Aladdin was thinking about how to save the people? Few moments later, Yasmine waked up suddenly.

Aladdin:-( asked) What happened?

Yasmine:-I found another solution.My Father has personal diary and when I was small,I saw it once without caught by him.It mentioned about Zombies.So Tomorrow you go to the park and I go to the castle.

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