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i only got one question and it asks:

"What is everyone's fav food?" 

DAHVIE: Fucking chicken nuggets man

JAYY: Man don't get me started on burgers

ECSTACY: Chicken strips fuck yeah

EMBER: boobie milk 


When I woke the next morning, everything felt amazing. I was back in Jayy's arms, back in my old life. I couldn't be happier knowing he believed me, and we made love again. It's been ages and I've just missed him.

I glance up to see him still sleeping, his face relaxed beautifully against the pillow. I smile, grabbing my phone and checking the messages. Most read "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" and "PLS COME BACK" but I only send one message to everyone:

"I'm back where I belong. I love you all. Miss you. xx" 

It hurt my heart to throw away the life I had lived for a few weeks, but my most important life is right in front of me. The future of my child, my boyfriend, my parents, and my brother. 


How the fuck am I supposed to tell them? 

I groan inwardly, Jayy shifting in his sleep. I glance back at him, seeing his eyes crack open. He glances at me, only to double take and sigh in relief, "Jesus Christ I forgot," 

I laugh, "Sorry," 

He kisses me, cuddling me, "How was your sleep?"

"Great, yours?"

"Best sleep I've had in ages," He replies, stretching out his arms

I sit up, letting the blankets fall to my waist, because I wasn't ashamed of my body as I used to be. Jayy rubs my back, checking his phone. I turn back to look at him, just taking in his features and his smell. I sigh happily, Jayy glancing at me with a shy smile. 

"Sorry, I'm just taking it all in," 

"It's amazing to have you back, yknow. Even as Jessie Styles," 

"I'm hotter though," 

He stares at me in disbelief, "You were hot as Essie too." 

I sigh, looking back at my  hands, "Sorry," 

I feel the bed shift, and then Jayy has his chin on my shoulder. I let my eyes move to him, seeing his lips caress at my skin. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me towards his chest. I place my hands over his, letting my head drop onto his shoulder.

"Don't apologize. You're beautiful now as you were then," 

I ponder on my next question, "Can I meet Ember?" 

He goes quiet, before I can feel his smile, "Of course. Get dressed," 

I hurriedly get out of bed and run to my suitcase, pulling out a t-shirt and black leggings. I put on new underwear and my bra, going to the bathroom to sort myself out. Within five minutes, I'm waiting impatiently on Jayy.

"Jayyyyy," I whimper

"Just a sec," He states, before he's walking out of the bathroom, "Let's go meet your baby," 

We approach a pink door, and on the inside I can a lullaby. My heart is pounding as Jayy turns to me, "Ready?" 

"More than ever," I reply, squeezing his hand 

He opens the door, and I'm hit with a gorgeous room fit for a princess. The walls are pink with ballet slippers, a white crib sits in front of a window, toys lay on the ground. I can hear the shuffling on the crib, and my heart almost stops. 

Jayy takes me over to her, only to drop my hand and reach inside the crib. A moment later, he's holding a little bundle, and tears spring to my eyes as I see her. I take in her appearance, noting she looks exactly like my old body.

"My baby..." I choke out

Jayy offers her to me, and I take her gently, her little body resting on my arms. She stares up at me with her brown eyes, and I start to sob. I lean down and kiss her forehead, realizing how much I had missed the tiny baby I carried for nine months. 

Jayy watches us with tearful eyes, and I let him hold us. My eyes couldn't leave her, her perfect self. 

Our little family is back together. 

It's about 5PM when Harry starts calling, and I don't answer at first. I'm still angry with him after everything he had said, but I knew I'd have to talk to him, because I was his sister no matter what. When he called the second time, I answered.


"So I guess he believed you?" He mumbles

"Yeah, he did." I reply

"I'm happy for you," 

"You act like I'm cutting you out of my life," 

"Aren't you though?" He replies

"Nah, you're still my baby brother. Speaking of babies, Ember is beautiful," I gush

"I want pictures. The boys and I are heading for a show, I gotta go,"

"Alrighty, bye,"

 Things were finally going right again.

And I'd never go back.


I got a new laptop yay 



Morgan xoxo 

Here Without You (Jayy Von Monroe) (Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora