Pravin:-We had done many missions and robberies Did I ever told you about my backup plans?

Aladdin:-No,but now it is important.

Pravin:-So if it is too important then here the map of clue.It will help you too solve your problems.

He gave a map to him and left.

In the Agrabah,Hindustan royal family came for an alliance.

King:-We are happy to see you but my daughter will not change her decision.

King of Hindustan:-I came here for Aladdin.

Aladdin looked shocked and asked.

Aladdin:-Why? What did I do?

King of Hindustan:-You stolen.

Yasmine:-(saying to Aladdin) What did you stole?

Aladdin:-I didn't stole anything, Yasmine.Trust me.

Yasmine:-I would if you were not a theif.

Aladdin:-Oh... saying the one who was a Princess and came to stealing.

King:-I don't know what he steal but we will return it back.

The Princess of Hindustan entered.

Princess of Hindustan:-I am Ahankara.I saw Aladdin when he came to Hindustan castle and..

Princess Yasmine:-What did he stole?

Princess Ahankara:-He ..heart....Yes, I fall in love at first sight.

All of them were shocked to hear it.
Aladdin don't know how to denied their proposal.He feared that if he rejects it.There will be a war for this.
So Aladdin was speechless.Yasmine understood this and said

Yasmine:-Aladdin was not interested to marry you, Ahankara.

Ahankara:-You don't have to say that.
I love Aladdin and I will marry him at any cost.

Yasmine:-Oh really.I won't leave you to marry him.

King of Hindustan:-In Hindu culture,A king can marry many women as he want.If Aladdin marry Ahankara,he will become a part of royal family and marry Yasmine too.

King:-No,in our culture,we don't marry like that.A man should only marry one woman.I won't approve Yasmine to marry Aladdin if he marries your daughter.

Yasmine:-I don't want to share Aladdin to anyone.

Ahankara:-Me neither.

King of Hindustan:-King of Agrabah, your daughter is trying to make a war between Agrabah and Hindustan.

Yasmine:-We don't afraid of wars,We just won one.

King of Hindustan:-We got the maximum amount of soldiers in army in the entire world.

Aladdin:-Can I speak now?

Everyone remain silence.

Aladdin:-I need to talk with Ahankara privately.

Ahankara and Aladdin went to a room and talked.

Aladdin:-Princess Ahankara,I am sorry.I can't marry you.I have fall in love with Princess Yasmine already.
This entire life is for her and if you can you can marry me forcefully but we can't be happy.I become frustrated and even become a psycho who knows.Please you can stop a huge war.By sacrificing me.

Princess Ahankara cried and left.
She asked her family to leave and went to her country back.

Yasmine:-What did you say to her?

Aladdin:-Wait a minute,I am middle of a work.

He wrote a letter and sent it in bird's leg.Yasmine understood that Pravin helped Aladdin somehow to change Ahankara's decision.

Pravin reached the dock of Hindustan.

He saw Zafar waving him inside a big trading ship.Pravin headed to the ship.Before entering the ship,A Tall man who was Zafar's minister before checked Pravin whether he has a weapons.After that He entered and sitted in forward of Zafar.

Zafar:-Thanks for coming.No one trusted me but you did and entered in a trap.

Pravin:-I knew,it was a trap but I need to kill you for that I need to meet you.
So i came.

Zafar's minister:-A lion and A deer can't live in the same forest.

Pravin:-Then ask the deer to leave before gets hunt by this lion.

Zafar's minister was speechless.

Zafar:-Strong doesn't matter we have to prey the prey.

Zafar eye contact with his guard to bring.Pravin was suspicious.He saw Sarah was coming with the guard.

Pravin:-Zafar leave her she is not your prey(in anger tone).

Zafar:-I am not like you directly hit the prey I like to hit the prey's prey to hit the prey.

Pravin before thinking of anything.
Zafar hits his head with a Stick.Pravin fainted and They both Prisoned in the boat.Zafar asked the minister to send them to the last island of world.The minister bowed and the minister asked the captain of the ship to sail to last island of the world.Zafar saw the minister and the ship going.He hears bird's sound and turned around.The bird reached Zafar's hand and Zafar takes out a piece of paper in the bird.In the Paper, Master our plan-A is failed and I am going for plan-B.Zafar Smiled and his mind voice Agrabah you are going to be mine soon.In Agrabah,Aladdin and Yasmine searching the Witcher.The Witcher asked a man the way to the castle.He headed to the castle.

Aladdin:-( said to Yasmine )When we came to Agrabah after the journey of Hindustan.We gave seeds to everyone but when we entered into the mosque all of them in the mosque were human.So I understood that inside the mosque any magic spells would not work.

Yasmine said You are right,let's head to the mosque.

They headed to the mosque but they doesn't know the Witcher went to the castle.The Witcher escaped from the guards and Changed The king into Zombie.The Zombie king bite all of them in the castle.They also changed into Zombie.Aladdin and Yasmine came to the castle without any clues.They saw a guard rushing to them.He said everything and they went to the courtroom all of them who was present in the castle  kneeling down to the Witcher.

Yasmine:- It must be the Witcher.

Aladdin looks like in Shock and whispered Master Omar.

Yasmine face changed and asked


Thanks for reading:-

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