2: Holy Shit That's Captain America

Start from the beginning

I found the correct hallway and noticed that there wasn't a posted guard outside his door or anywhere in the hallway, which was empty for the most part. I slid to the edge of his office door and pretended like I was standing guard as I leaned back and focused my hearing and reached out with my mind. Unfortunately, pirate man must be paranoid or experienced because his mind was shielded from me. But the door was made of glass, so I watched him looking out over the city from his windows. 

I could just hear his voice from my position outside his door, "Secure office." He said. The glass door darkened until I couldn't see through it anymore and I heard no more voices through the glass. Shit. I searched through the minds of people in the building until I found the right one, 'Sir, Fury has secured his office and I am unable to ascertain whether he has the drive or not' I sent the message directly to Pierce and heard his mental stumble at receiving the voice. From what I could tell he was in some kind of meeting with other global leaders. 

I moved my position a few moments later when I hear footsteps inside the office walking towards the door. I was just able to get behind a door when I watched pirate man walk past my hiding spot and head straight to the elevator, slipping a thin flash drive into his pocket as he passed me. 'He is heading up to you with the drive, sir.' I tell Pierce and mentally stab myself at having to call him sir. 

I could tell that Pierce did have a plan and since he had the asset called the Winter Soldier, the odds of his plan working were high. But he was cocky, and quite frankly I find that its the cocky people who make a mistake and fail. 

Before pirate man could get too far away, I morphed into a woman who I had passed downstairs and slid into the lift with him. He looks me up and down with his one eye but says nothing. "World Security Council." He says to the lift, "Confirmed." the robotic voice replies. There was a slight tension in the air on the ride up, neither of us talking or looking at the other. 

I exited first and saw Pierce was in the middle of a glass room with holograms of multiple other representatives. He notices me and as I flash my eyes a bright blue he excuses himself, I walk towards him and he leans down slightly to accommodate my height in this form. "He has the drive with him, in his pocket." I mutter to Pierce, he nods and I step back out to the hallway as the holograms are dismissed and Pierce exits the room to greet Fury. 

I wait at the edge of the room as they talk and when Fury leaves Pierce turns to me, "The Asset will take care of him, damn fool is trying to stop my plan." He mutters. I was dismissed and told that a car would take me to a secure HYDRA base until I was needed again. The entire ride to wherever I was being taken to all I thought about was how much I would like to put my fist through Pierces' smug face. 


They needed me sooner than they anticipated, I was just able to change into different clothes when a guard got a call for me saying that Fury had gotten away and they needed me to see if I could track him. I was given a motorcycle and a phone, and they told me to call in the location as soon as I got something. 

I decided to go back to the SHIELD building and did a quick scan through some people's minds until I was certain that he didn't come back here. Not that I expected that, pirate man wasn't a stupid or reckless person. I was about to give up and go check one of his known residences when a wisp of a thought crossed my mind.

'...Project Insight, what is Fury thinking.' I turn and scan the garage I was parked in, the voice seemed louder which normally meant the person was closer to me. I heard the lift door open and watched as a familiar looking man stepped out and walked over to one of the SHIELD motorbikes and revved it up. 

'Holy shit, that's Captain America' I thought as I started my own engine and followed him through the streets. I kept far enough away that he couldn't see me but I could hear his thoughts as he was driving, and that helped me in directing myself. 

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