Last minute nerves

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Eddy was nervously pacing back and forth the room. Head in his hands. Quick steps. From one wall to the other, then back.

Shit shit shit...

The dinner with Eddy's mom was in about an hour and the nerves had really gotten to Eddy. They were eating him up.

"She is going to hate me. She is going to disown me for sure." Eddy whined. "Or just about kill us both" Eddy was rambling in panic. Brett rolled his eyes.

"Come on, it's going to be fine. Your mom is a levelheaded lady, she might be a bit angry or disappointed but she'll get around eventually I'm sure." Brett tried calming Eddy down.

"She might. But she also might not and that's really scary." Eddy sighed and leaned against the wall with his back, sliding down it and burying his head in his knees. Brett sat down next to him, pulling Eddy's head into his lap. He started to soothingly run his fingers through his boyfriends hair. Eddy leaned into the touch.

"Whatever happens, I'm here for you. To support you, to love you. We'll get through whatever comes our way together, okay? You're not alone in this." Brett whispered lovingly to Eddy. Tears started slowly running down Eddy's cheeks. Brett was truly amazing.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Eddy sobbed. Brett wiped the tears of Eddy's cheeks and lightly kissed his forehead.

"It's going to be fine, you'll see." He assured Eddy. "Shall we go?" A long silence followed Brett's question as Eddy tried to calm down.

"Okay..." Eddy finally decided. Brett smiled and stood up, reaching his hand out to help Eddy stand up. Eddy grabbed it and didn't let go of it even as he stood up. Brett gave it a soft squeeze.

"I love you" Eddy whispered. Brett smiled at the younger, pressed a kiss to his forehead, then tightened the hold on his hand.

"Come on, let's go."

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