The grand reveal

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They arrived at the restaurant around 5 minutes early. Eddy's mom was already waiting for them. They walked up to the table she was sitting at.

"Hello Mrs. Chen" Brett greeted her with a polite smile. Eddy was nervously fidgeting his fingers now that he couldn't hold Brett's hand.

"Hello Brett. It's good to see you" Eddy's mom replied, giving him a slight nod.

"You too, Mrs. Chen"

They sat down at the table and started quietly looking through their menus. Tension was hanging in the air. They all knew that they'd gathered to speak about important topics, but no one really felt like bringing it up yet. When we get the food, Eddy thought to himself, eating while talking might ease the tension a bit.

They ordered their food and started chatting a bit about topics of less importance. It was mostly about Brett. His mom was asking a lot of questions about how Brett was doing and what had changed since last time. Eddy was starting to feel a bit more relaxed, but as soon as he saw the waitress on his way with their food, nervousness hit him again. It was time. The big moment where he would put all cards on the table. A moment that would change his life. For the better or the worse.

Across from him, his mom had picked up her chopsticks, starting to elegantly eat her noodles. Eddy took a deep breath. He decided that it would be safest to start with the con-topic.

"So..." Eddy shakily as he tried to get his voice to cooperate. His mom looked up at him, studying him with her eyes. Listening.

"You know I wanted to talk with you about some important things..." Eddy continued, his voice still feeling weak. Brett's hand found his under the table. Eddy's mom nodded.

"Okay so, I want to apply for conservatory. I know you want me to be a doctor, but I want to be a professional violinist. Music is everything to me." Eddy said, meeting his mom's eyes to see her reaction. Her face was hard to read, but she didn't seem angry. She pursed her lips before replying:

"I can't say that I'm happy about this, Eddy, but honestly I saw it coming. I know that you're really passionate about music and I trust you. Do what you feel is right"

Eddy gave her a really surprised look. His mom was accepting his choice to be a professional violinist... just like that? He had really not expected that. His mom had been so stern with him all his life, always convincing him to do things like she wanted, and now she accepted his choice that easily... No anger. No overwhelming disappointment. Eddy was a bit shocked.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Eddy's mom asked him, studying him with her gaze. Eddy nodded.

"Yes..." Eddy struggled to find the confidence to get the words out. Brett gave his hand a squeeze under the table. You can do this.

"I wanted to tell you that me and Brett... we are together. He is my boyfriend and I love him" Eddy said, starting off nervously but ending off on a confident note. He was proud of loving Brett after all.

Eddy's mom started laughing. Eddy turned to Brett, confusion written all over his face. Brett was just as surprised. Eddy then turned back to his mom, a puzzled look on his face.


His mom stopped laughing, but kept her smile.

"I'm sorry, Eddy. I just found it funny that you were so scared to tell me about this fact, when honestly I've known it for quite a while..." his mom said, a note of amusement in her voice.

Eddy's mouth fell open. He was at loss of words. WHAT?!

"Yes, I'm a bit conservative but that doesn't mean that I want to stand in way of happiness. I think that it was pretty obvious to anyone how in love you are, just from the way that you look at each other, act around each other, or talk about each other when the other is not there. I'm not stupid, you know?" Eddy's mom told him calmly.

"Wow..." Eddy didn't know what to say. He turned to Brett, who raised an eyebrow at him. Brett was pretty shocked too, but equally amused at the whole situation and at Eddy, who had been so worried but now got met with the exact opposite of what he'd been expecting.

"Thank you for accepting us, Mrs. Chen" Brett told Eddy's mom, smiling warmly at her.

"Of course, you're basically like a son to me, Brett" Mrs. Chen replied.

"Thank you..." Brett felt really moved by her words and tears brimmed his eyes.

"Mom... " Eddy finally spoke. "I've greatly underestimated you. I shall never do it again."

Eddy stood up and walked around the table to hug his mom, how could he not in a moment like this?

"I love you, mom" Eddy said as they embraced.

"I love you too, son" his mom replied in a fond voice, running a soothing hand over her son's back.

Across the table Brett was spilling tears.

All was beautiful. 

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