Chapter 4

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TW : Mentions of Death, violence, blood, disturbing things, cursing, spoilers.

You have been warned.

Kimetsu no Yaiba is rightfully owned by Koyoharu Gotōge.

Using Google translation for some phrases. May not be accurate.

Images aren't mine unless said so, and some are only found in the internet/Pinterest. I do not own them.





--- expressing sorrow or regret, especially when in a slightly humorous way.

"she gave a rueful grin"
Similar: sorrowful, regretful, apologetic, sorry, remorseful, shamefaced, sheepish, hangdog, contrite, repentant, penitent, conscience-stricken, self-reproachful, woebegone, woeful, sad, melancholy, mournful


It's been weeks but you feel you gone through hell. Surprisingly, you survived and passed the mountain test with injuries of course. Since that day, you are tasked to keep descending the mountain as the training progress into more difficult.

As Urokodaki observes your speed run throughout the regimen, he gives you his opinion. "You seem to have memorized the pattern."

As you bandage your leg, just finished your everyday routine with minor injuries, you tilt your head, as if not understanding what he meant. "Eh..?"

Urokodaki sighed, but proceed to explain. "You can easily memorize where traps are, making it easier to invade. Not only that, you are an observant person, you can see some outline of the trip wire." He said, as you slowly sink in his words. "Use that to your advantage."

Come to think of it, as you go to the mountain to train your speed. Your reaction time was is explicable, and as time passes, your body grew accustomed to the traps or was it just paranoia getting to you?


"The Demon Slayer Corps has around several hundred members. It's an organization unrecognized by the government yet, it existed since ancient times, and we continue to hunt demons today. But as for who's the Demon Slayer Corps, that remains a mystery." Urokodaki explained which you nodded in understanding. "Your training will progress to power, and the art of breathing."

He picks up two bokken on the ground, tossing one to you as you catch it with ease. "Now, show me your strength."

Before you know when the spar starts, Urokodaki lunges almost immediately as you quickly block the move, gasping.

The amount of force Urokodaki used was too much, making you let go of the wooden sword with a hiss. You watched as your hand bleeds from the impact, red blood trailing down to the ground.

In response, Urokodaki lets go of his fighting stance and shakes his head. "You're quick to react an incoming attack but is still weak." He said as you get a bandage on your clothes, wrapping your injured hand.


As time progresses, you realized that you are in a separate training mode for Sabito and Giyuu. The training was similar but theirs was harsher than yours.

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