❛chapter one❜

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As an aspiring hero in the UA Hero Course as a sixteen-year-old who's currently going through hero studies, I'm supposed to be used to weird quirks and situations. But this was even weirder than I could imagine. The hero that had taken me on for my hero studies was the hero known as Binary who could electricity and technology to the point where she (or he) could travel via electricity or technology. The hero persona I had taken on was Dual Hero: Yinyang. And Yinyang was currently trying to catch up to this weird bank robber who seemed to disappear as soon as I caught up with them. My guess? This character had a sort of teleportation quirk.

"Have you found them yet, Yinyang?" asked Binary through the comms. So, I guess it was a he for tonight.

"Not yet. I just had em too." I admitted. This was starting to get annoying.

"Don't worry. I got a visual on her." So was it a she that we were chasing.

"I'll be right there, sir." If he was here, I would have saluted Binary before running off to where they were.

I could tell by the many flares of blue electrifity commencing in an alley. This is why I'm still a student. I couldn't even fight this teleporter, but then again I was a passive party following after her while Binary was active and chose to fight the robber. I landed on the ground.

"Yinyang, she controls space. Do you know what the opposite is?" asked Binary as a continuos stream of electricity in the form of lightning left his fingertips.

What was the opposite of space? What is the opposite of space? Time? No. They work together and most times, opposites don't work together. A void. A black hole. I should have informed Binary of my plan. It was reckles to do it. I formed a mini blackhole in the palm of my left hand. And I attacked the robber putting my left hand out to hit her with the black hole. In a split second, she threw a space infused punched at me, and the entire world seemed to swirl around us. Till there was no more of our world around us.


I landed in the branch of a tree while the girl landed on the grass just below me. I ended up falling from the branch on top of her. Definitely not on purpose. No.

"You're... heavy." the girl muttered.

I climbed off of her. Her mask and clothes were shredded. I could see what she looked like. She had hair that was the color of the blue spectrum ranging from green at the tips to purple at the roots all connected by different shades of the three colors. Her eyes seemed to be the same color as galaxies. And I swear she had galaxies in them.

"So, Yinyang, I'm Moira, and I have absolutely no idea where the fuck we are. Any ideas? And can I get your name?" the criminal who went by Moira told me.

"It's [Y/N] if you must know. We should start walking. See if there's a village nearby to tell us." I explained as I stood up and alnost fell down, feeling a pain shoot up and down my arm and in my side. Shit!

"First, we should find you a doctor." Moira caught me as I tried to stand up again, but fell. "You created a black hole to combat my portals, you dumbass. That was really stupid of you. And we should find some clothes first. We look like cosplaying prostitutes with our clothes shredded like this."

"Sometimes I want Momo's quirk." I muttered.

Either she didn't hear me or she didn't care, but she helped me walk through the forest. Somehow we'll find someone to help us. Out in this lonely world of ours. Because I don't think I can handle being with the criminal for too long.

"I never wanted to be a criminal. I was forced to be one." she told me.

"No one can force you to be a criminal. That's your choice." I told her. Wasn't that how it worked?

"You can be forced. When the government you put all your faith in, stops giving you what they said they would. You heroes save people, but what happens to those people after the fact. After they're saved from a disaster. The government promises to help and when the survivors need them the most, they turn their back on them. Because they aren't worth it anymore. So the survivors must learn to survive. Once more. Survive to see another day. No matter the cost." the government? They wouldn't do that to them, would they.

"Then you should have fought for help." I told her.

"And be labeled a terroist if I lost? But a radical if I won? No thank you." she told me.

I don't see the logic in that. I could never see the logic in that. We continued to trek through the forest, but then I tripped and took the both of us with me. Rolling and tunbling down the hill. And we ended up... going in two different directions. I don't understand the way this world (or whatever it is) works. It's so weird. Truly. But what I do know as I continued to roll, I knocked somewhat out with me until we rolled to a stop. And I was pressed up against the muscular chest of a salmon haired boy with pointy teeth. Oh shit.

I scrambled off of him like the loser I am. "I'm sorry."

The boy got up fron the ground as did I. But I was still in pain and fell to the ground with a grunt. He caught me as I tried again which I was grateful for.

"WENDY!" This young girl, barely older than thirteen, with blue hair wearing a green and blue dress started to run over to us. "This girl. I think she needs help."

No shit sherlock. The girl, Wendy I believe is what he called her, placed her hands on my side. "I'm Wendy. Do you know what hurts?"

"My left side, leg, and arm. No idea why though." Liar. Yes you do. You caused this. You landed yourself in this position.

"Can you tell me your name?" Wendy asked as her hands started to glow a green color against my side.

"[Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]. I was with someone. Moira. We... I think we got separated." Why was I worried about a villain? She's a criminal and I'm a hero in training.

"We can find her for you. This is Natsu by the way. I think you collided with him accidentally." Yeah... I'm a klutz.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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