Chapter 2: The Truth

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Sam: The victims have all been black men.

Dean: I think it's more than that. They all seem connected to Cassie and her family.

Sam: All right. Well, if you work that angle, go talk to her.

Dean: Yeah I will.

Sam: Oh, and you might also wanna mention that other thing.

Dean: What other thing?

Sam: The serious, unfinished business?

Dean remains obstinately silent.

Sam: (huffs a laugh) Dean, what is going on between you two? Besides you and Cassie having a kid together

Dean: All right, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said.
Sam: (staring at Dean, waiting) Oh, Ok.

Dean: OK, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her our secret, about what we do. And I shouldn't have.

Sam: Ah look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime.
Dean: Yeah I don't. It was stupid to get that close. I mean, look how it ended.

Sam smiles at Dean.

Dean: Would you stop?

Sam keeps staring and smiling.

Dean: Blink or something!

Sam: You loved her.

Dean: Oh God.

Dean turns to Impala and looks at his daughter.

Sam: *noticed* You were in love with her, but you dumped her to protect her and your daughter

Dean is silent. He stares at the ground, glances at Sam, then looks back to the ground.

Sam: Oh wow. She dumped you.

Dean: Get in the car. (Getting in himself) Get in the car!

Later that night.

Cassie's House.

Cassie sits at the desk in the lounge. There is a knock at the door. Cassie anxiously gets it to find Dean and her daughter.

Cassie: thank god

Ava: mommy! *hugs her*

Cassie: oh sweetie *hugs Ava back* don't you ever scare me like that again *kiss her forehead*

Ava: sorry mommy

Ava pulls away and enters with her father while eating her ice cream.

Cassie: seriously Dean, ice cream?

Dean: hey she's my kid, might as well treat her while I'm in town

Cassie: *roll eyes but smiles* Ava you're in so much trouble

Ava: dad already handled it

Cassie: how did he handle it? *gives Dean the side eye*

Dean makes a whoosh sound with his hand, signals to her that he nailed her behind.

Cassie: good, it's better me doing it. But, you're so grounded young lady. Go wash up and get ready for bed. *Ava pouts but heads upstairs* Did she eat?

Dean: yeah we had food at the diner

Cassie: I normally don't allow her to have takes out, but I guess since you're on the road a lot it's bound to happen

Dean: don't worry Sam made sure she ate right.

Cassie: good because she gets your eating habits

So Little Time: Dean Winchester Daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن