"I didn't like this shirt anyway," he says, giving me a small smile.

"Morning little sister. Dad...loving your new style," Ben says, chuckling when he sees Dad wiping his shirt. Dad glares at Ben as he opens the fridge and drinks the milk from the carton.

"That's disgusting!" I yell, causing Ben to jump but keeps drinking anyway. Dad heads upstairs, probably to change his shirt. Owen, my third oldest brother, nineteen,  walks down the stairs, grumbling. 

Quinn follows next. 

Owen and Quinn have similar physical features, almost like twins, except that there is a five year age gap between the two. Aidan and Ben are the only twins in the family. Both have dark brown hair and green eyes and their faces are the same oval shape.

"Here, give me some of that," Quinn says. He grabs a glass from the cupboard, snatching the milk from Aidan. Quinn isn't always a pig, I admit. Quinn pours the glass full of milk and then hands it to me, smiling. I take the glass and Quinn tips the jug up and gulps it down.

I spoke too soon. I curl my nose up, and dump the glass of milk in the sink as the rest of my brothers laugh. I shot them the evil eye, and they start coughing simultaneously to cover their laughs.

"Can we just go already?" I grab my backpack and leave the house, wanting to get the day over with. Aidan and Ben's birthday was just a few months ago, and our parents agreed to get them a beater, a red 2001 Honda, that looks like it has been through a war and back. They can drive to school with it as long as they drive Quinn and I to school everyday.

Aidan gets in the drivers side and Ben the passengers, forcing Quinn to sit with me in the back. I stuff my earbuds into my ears and turn the volume up so I don't hear my brothers fight over a music station. They finally pick one before backing out our drive way and head to St. Albert's high school.

St. Albert's isn't a massive school, about 750 kids in total, though everyone knows everyone because its a small town. There is basketball, soccer, track and field, and volleyball and numerous student clubs like Photography, Year book, and Art Club, among others. My brothers are on the basketball team. I'm not athletic, although I like to run, I'm a klutz and would break my leg.

I'm seventeen, going into eleventh grade, a year behind Aidan and Ben. Going to the same school as my brothers has both pros and cons. Pros would be the cliches, older brother; protection, which can also be a con too. The teachers know who I am, and sometimes they tend not to like me based on my brother's past behaviour in their class.

When Aidan pulls into the school's parking lot, cars are already starting to pile into the good parking spaces. The four of us get out of the car and Ben puts his arm around my shoulder.

"If anyone gives you trouble, give us a call. We'll take care of them," Ben says and smashes his fist into the palm of his hand as he shoots a threatening glare at a couple guys walking by. Ben is usually the calm, kinder brother while Aidan tends to be the more physically violent brother who will stand up for me.

I laugh. "Calm down there, Hulk. I can handle it," I say, patting his arm and shrug him off as I spot Andrea. I wave to Aidan and Ben and sprint across the parking lot and realize Quinn has already disappeared into the crowd of students. I head towards the school and see Andrea who is waving frantically at the top of the main entrance.

"Could you be anymore embarrassing?"I ask while laughing, and Andrea starts up the stairs into the school. There two sets of stairs, one leading downstairs to the gymnasium and junior classrooms which is from grades seven to nine, and upstairs to the main offices and senior classrooms which is from grades ten to twelve.

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