Battle Tendency 17

Start from the beginning

"You can call me Y/N, cutie~" You smiled at the blushing Suzie as she giggled excitedly.

"Alright Y/N! So how are you feeling? Do you need something?" She rambled s you shook your head laughing.

"Perhaps a bath? Food? I know a bath and food! Should I prepare sup or would you prefer something more..."

"Suzie Q..." You silenced her pulling the maid into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you. I would like the idea. Do whatever you see fit, I trust your decision even if you took an awfully long time choosing which blouse would be the better choice." You chuckled. "You and Lisa Lisa must have stayed awake the whole night and have treated my wounds; these bandages have been but on recently not even thirty minutes ago, my guess." You observed your body grimacing, your arms, chest, abdomen, throat and legs were completely wrapped up.

"Perhaps I should join Lisa Lisa in the bath?" You suggested seductively, starting to unwrap the bandages carefully on your left arm seeing that the cut slowly disappeared without a trace. You sighed in relief.

"Alright. I will be going then. I will clean up the broken glass later. Be careful!" Suzie excused herself.

"Thank you." You and Lisa Lisa replied in unison.

You continued taking off your bandages, humming until you faced Lisa Lisa turning serious...

"Lisa Lisa, have Joseph and Caesar yet returned?" You inquired. "I have a bad feeling since that wine glass of your broke...."

"Not yet." She replied. "I am glad you are alright Y/N, you really scared" She changed the topic.

"I am sorry...." You snickered. "I guess I let you be, I will retire to my room and change in something more fitting than my underwear..." You said getting out of the room walking down the empty hallway finally getting to your room. You smirked eyes flashing, the golden color intensifying...

Suzie Q walked down the stairs humming happily, She was ecstatic that you have woken up. She reached the first floor passing someone in the shadows without noticing.

"Hey Suzie Q!" He called out to her as she screamed in fear.

"AAAAAHHHH What? Why are you being so loud?" Joseph asked confused. "Keep it down idiot!"

"Who are you?" She yelled backing away. "There is a stranger here on the island!!!!"

"You are calling me a stranger?!" Joseph exclaimed in disbelief. "It is me! Joseph Joestar!" He closed one eye.

"Jojo?" Suzie Q walked closer observing him carefully. "No way! I did not recognize you without your ask! Goodness, you really startled me!" She put her hand on her delicate chin.

"I have been here for three weeks and this is the first time you have seen my face?" Joseph inquired smirking leaning onto the wall looking down at her. "So what do you think? Handsome enough for you?"

"Weird mouth." She giggled cutely.

"Hmpf! My mouth may be weird but if you and I fall in love you are going to have to get used kissing it!" He flirted leaning closer as she laughed.

"In your dreams! Blech! I would rather marry Y/N! She is awesome!" She joked taunting him as Joseph returned her grin.

Suddenly she gasped seeing something flicker behind Joseph.

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