Chapter 11

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Finally, at my last meeting of the press tour then I'll be free. It was an interview-style meeting with the Hokage about the book. They gave him questions to ask me so I can promote the book and the shinobi of Konoha. I hated the interview because I had to be more professional with Naruto-sensei, which was weird. But when it was over, I finally felt free. Naruto-sensei wanted to talk to me afterward.

"Naruto-sensei! I really hated that because it was so pretentious. Thank you for doing this", I told him. I made sure the press had already left. I didn't want to be hot mic'd.

"Hello, Kazue. It was really uncomfortable".

"I suggested a casual thing, but they said I had to look professional talking to the Hokage."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. I actually wanted to pass you a message from Hinata. She wanted to ask if you could come to our house for dinner tomorrow night".

"I WOULD LOVE TO! It would be nice to officially meet your son. He's interesting. He came to my book signing with his friends and got your daughter's book autographed too"

"Well, I hope to see you then. By the way, did you know Sasuke and his wife were separated now?"

"Oh. No, I didn't know that. Was he happy with that choice?"

"I guess so."

"Well, then I'm happy for him if that's so. Thank you for telling me".

"I figured since you were his friend, you should know" I nodded

"Thank you again for the interview Naruto-sensei. And for the boarding apartment! I'm going to be moving to my own place now but living there was such a tremendous help! I don't even know how I could possibly thank you".

"Well, dinner with my family tomorrow would be enough."

"Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow. What's the address? I don't think I have it. Or does it have a huge sign that says 'Hokage's House'?"

"I'll write it down for you. I'll see you tomorrow" He laughed and gave me the address.

Naruto POV

I better send a note to Sasuke to tell him he's coming for dinner tomorrow night. I need to call Hinata.

"Hinata...Do you mind if I invited guests for dinner tomorrow?"

"Who are the guests?"

"Sasuke and a mystery guest."

"Is it that girl he's in love with?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"You told me about her, remember. And she's back in town now. I just put two and two together".

"I hope they get to talk. I told her that he's separated. I should tell you everything he told me. He really is in love with her"

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