Beth comes and sits beside me. "You're very brave. But don't worry, I'm only a narcissist on stage."

"What's a narcissist?" I asks quietly.

"I forgot, you're eleven. You'll learn someday, but I don't think I should tell you. But I think you're a very brave girl." Beth gives me another smile. But soon she has to leave and I'm alone again.

It's scary, but as quick as can be, it's Bianca. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I left you alone!"

She's wearing regular clothes, like Izzy was, but her makeup is really heavy and her hair is different.

"Oh don't be scared! It's just my costume. I have to wear the stage makeup otherwise I look really pale, and my hair looks extra puffy today." She pats her hair. "Don't tell your sister." She gives me a funny face, and pulls a jar of candy from behind a couple jars of makeup and brushes.

She hands me a mini chocolate bar. "You must be starving. We ordered some food, and it'll be here soon. Plus, we've arranged for you to stay at the theatre today. Izzy will stay with you."

Suddenly, on the speaker in the wall we hear, "Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance!"

"Oh no! I have to change." I turn to look for something in my backpack, and when I turn around she's wearing completely different clothes, and is putting a Bobby pin in her hair. "It always comes undone in the dance break. I have to go, but someone will be here soon. Listen to the show, you might hear me."

She runs quickly out of the room. Beth is back, wearing a weird shirt. "I have to change really quickly, give me a minute." 

Normally I'd be scared, but Beth is right across the hall. She's back really soon, wearing another outfit that's really interesting.

Suddenly, I hear on the wall, in Angie's voice, "You're such and idiot! Yes!" 

And soon, in Bianca's voice, "Si! Si Senior!" 

And then Izzy is singing with another girl.

Beth looks at my face. "You like it? This number is called You Happened, it's Angie's favorite. She's your sister right?"

I nod. "What's this show about?"

"Oh shoot, I'm on next, Izzy will be here to explain." Beth disappears in her strange outfit.

And sure enough, Izzy is back. It takes her a little bit, but she's back in a pretty pink dress.

"Hey Olive." She smiles at me.

"What's this show about? And what's it called?" I ask her.

"This is going to have to take a short amount of time because this song is a little short. But this musical is called The Prom. It's about a girl named Emma, my friend Caitlin plays Emma. And she wants to take her girlfriend to prom, but the adults decide she can't do that and cancel prom. A bunch of Broadway actors, including Beth's character come and try to save prom, but they make a mess of it, and in the end Emma gets to take my character Alyssa to prom."

"Why couldn't Emma go to the prom with her girlfriend? It's not bad for girls to like girls and boys to like boys right? Thats what Mom always said." I ask.

Izzy beams. "It's not bad at all! It's just in the town where Emma lives at, they don't like it. Which is why Alyssa wasn't open about her relationship with Emma. Maybe you'll get to see the show and it will make more sense.

We talk for a little bit longer until she promises to return, and leaves. Beth returns. 

She brings me a bag of food. "This was at the stage door. I paid, it's for you."

I thank her and start eating slowly. I'm really hungry but it's rude to eat quickly in front of other people.

Beth tells me I'll have to be alone for about five to ten minutes, and that the wall speaker will let me know when everyone will be back.

It's a very long five to ten minutes. I have my burger, fries, and soda to keep my company, but it's really scary to be alone for so long.

The wall speaker is really helpful, because I can hear Izzy talking, and that other girl, maybe Caitlin, talking. There's singing too. Then that other girl, which is definitely Caitlin, starts singing really sadly.

Suddenly there's applause, and soon after people start coming down the hallway.

Angie and Bianca arrive back in the dressing room. They smile at me, Angie steals one of my fries, and ask how I'm doing.

I eat, and draw in my notebook. 

"No wait Bia that's my shirt. Toss it over." Angie says.

"Pass me that hair pin."

I look up and they are both wearing completely different outfits.

"How'd you do that!" I ask, making a note in my head to learn how to change quicker.

"We've been trained to quick change. It's like second nature now." Angie says, smiling at me in the mirror as she tucks hair back into place.

Angie kissed my forehead in a sisterly way, which is really weird because we only realized we were sisters a couple hours ago.

Bianca is already really protective of me too. And Izzy and Beth are really nice. 

"Hey Olive, can we introduce you to the rest of the cast?" Bianca asks, smoothing her puffy hair with one hand.

Note to self-you're not good around big crowds.


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