Chapter 13

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Adora's POV

I wake up to a small crash in the kitchen. When I open my door I find Luz quickly grabbing a pan from the floor. She must've dropped it.

"What are you doing?" I ask quietly. Somehow Amity and King are still sleeping.

"Trying to make breakfast," Luz says as she makes sure the pans clean to start cooking.

"Want some help?" I offer.

"Yes, please," she nods and I help her cook up a basic breakfast without dropping another pan. As we finish cooking King catches a whiff of the meal and runs over the top of Amity to get to the table demanding to be fed. It's like he never eats but he's almost always eating or sleeping. Amity wakes up and gets to the table so we all start eating. Catra comes in to take a few bites of my food before we all start walking to school.

"Shadow Weaver might kill us for bringing them in," Catra points out as we go.

"She can't do anything about it," I shrug. "Angella gave us permission to have them in our classes."

"Let's hope she listens."

Most of the day goes by smoothly. Luz, Amity, and King try figuring out some of the classes while the rest of us do whatever we're assigned. Luz fangirls over the whole situation while Amity admires her and King mostly makes sure Luz doesn't run into stuff and eats. When we get to our last class we all sit down and Shadow Weaver comes back into the room after a minute.

"Catra, Adora," she stands directly in front of our desks. "Who are these children and what are they doing in my class?"

"Amity, Luz and King. They're here to sit in on my classes today. Principle Angella gave us permission," I explain.

"If they cause any distractions you all leave my class," we all nod and Shadow Weaver walks back to her desk to give us an assignment. I finish before class ends and I help Luz and Amity understand the assignment. Catra ignores that she has an assignment at all before we all start goofing around.

All of a sudden, King jumps on my shoulders and points his little finger at Catra yelling, "Bow to me, for I am your King!"

I jump onto my chair, making sure King is steady on my shoulders, and point at Catra too. "Yeah, Catra. Bow to him!"

"I'm not bowing to anybody," Catra rolls her eyes as Luz and Amity giggle at us.

"Catra!" Shadow Weaver yells, causing me to jump and fall off the chair onto my butt.

"Ow," I mutter as King lands in Luz's lap and we all look at our teacher.

"I told you not to distract my class!" What!?

"I- I didn't-"


"No!" I quickly get back up and stand on the floor this time. "She didn't do anything. I did."

"Sit down, Adora," Shadow Weaver orders. "Catra, leave my class."


"Adora, stop."

"No," I say sternly which seems to surprise Catra and everyone watching us. "I'm the one that yelled. You can't punish Catra for something I did." Shadow Weaver is about to say something obviously offensive as the bell rings and I pick up my stuff.

"Let's go," we all get up and leave the room, heading towards the exit.

"Why is she so mean?" Luz questions as we leave the school.

"Nobody knows. She just is." I shrug.

"She only likes teaching because she likes telling people what to do," Catra adds. We talk about school and what happened today as we meet Bow and Glimmer at the garage to practice. When we get to the garage we all sit in our usual spots with our usual drinks as we relax and talk about our days for a while before actually practicing the songs.

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