Their first day with you (part 1)

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When you and Inko got back to her apartment she had given you a bath, she was glad she kept some of Izuku's clothes from when he was a child. after giving the child a bath and setting her on the couch while she started to cook dinner.

meanwhile with the child she had got up and wondered around the house, that was until she reached a door that had this weird looking board with a name on it that read 'Izuku' she opened the door and looked inside to be greeted with an almost blank room with a few posters and action figures here and there. but what stood out to her a the picture of two boys eating ice cream on a bench. 

One of the boys had Green hair, freckles and big green eyes. The other one had ash blond hair, red eyes and he had ice cream all on his face, The one with the green hair reminded her of Inko. but there was someone else in the picture, in the background the was a lady who had photobombed (is that even a word?) their picture. The lady had purple orbs and (h/c), she looked familiar to you but you being a 7 year old with a bad memory couldn't put your finger on it.

After a little while of looking around the room Inko had called Y/n to come eat, Y/n had grabbed the picture and walked to the dining room. as they are eating Inko starts to ask questions about the child, then Y/n takes out the picture and asks Inko who the two children in the picture "Oh i see you've found Izuku's room, he must have left it here. anyway the one with the green hair name is Izuku he's my son. and the one with the blond hair is Katsuki , Izuku's childhood friend." she says taking a bite of her rise. " if he is your son, where is he?" the child asked confused "He stays at school he lives in dorms now."

"what are dorms?" " well you see honey dorms are- well- um they are like a house near the school that all the students stay" "Ohhhh okay" and after that they ate in silence. after eating Inko decides to let Y/n sleep in Izuku's room.

Before Nemuri took you back to the dorms she when to a baby store to get some supplies for the baby, because if she was gonna raise a child she would need to get the Essentials (duh).

When she had got back to the dorm she didn't see anyone so she assumed that they were either, still out on patrol or sleeping. So she quietly made her way to her room.

After Nemuri had washed her up, changed her and gave her some baby formula, the child had fell asleep. that gave Nemuri the chance to order the child a baby crib and other things she needs to raise... wait- you don't have a name yet- so while thinking she decided to paint her nails. And that's when she had came up a name "That's it-" she quickly shut up as the baby beside her started to whine and stir in her while half sleep, as soon as she stopped moving midnight started to dry her nails and think 'Y/n Kayama... I think it has a nice ring to it' 

After her little online shopping spree she decided to call it a night.......... That was until you woke up.

(before I start this one I just wanna say that after the camp incident you didn't come straight back with Aizawa, you had been taken to a hospital because of the amount of smoke that filled your lungs and had been sleep since, that was until the day after Bakugou was rescued of course.)  

After a long day, Hizashi was now shocked watching a 10 month old child roll around in grass and play with some animals that had came up to her in their backyard, while Hitoshi was sitting on a chair eating coffee ice cream feeling proud of himself.

let me explain. let's go back to 4 hours ago.

After Shota signed some papers to be Y/n's legal Guardian because DNA test didn't show any sign of her having a family and it was kinda weird how she was just in the forest by herself. He took her home where she later met her now, other father figure and brother, aka Hizashi and Hitoshi.

Y/n was bathed, fed, changed and had took a nap. It was all fine till a few minutes after Shota left to get things she needed, she started to get really fussy, she started screaming and crying, Hizashi tried singing to the child, that didn't work. he tried feeding you, that also didn't work. The house was now chaotic, there was a baby crying her head off, a grown man crying curled up on the couch and a teen banging his head on the wall. That was till Hitoshi ran outside and grabbed a hand full of grass then ran back in the house and threw the grass at the crying baby's face, screaming "MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU" "....." It was quiet.. till giggling could be heard from the baby in the highchair.

Hitoshi and Hizashi were in a state of shock till the grown man spoke "Hitoshi.... how did you do that....?" "I.... don't know all I did was throw grass at her face" Y/n started to whine again. "well?! don't just stand there! do it again!" the man yelled "I think I have a better idea..."

So that leads to the present. Hizashi made a mental note to take her outside anytime she threw a tantrum.

About a hour later Shota had came back with a car full of baby things and plants. ya see Sho had already been informed about the tantrum she threw when she wasn't around any plants and, or animals and he had experienced it first hand. So since he already had two cats all he needed was plants. and he didn't remember to tell the two older ones this till about an hour after he had set off, he would have called to tell them that but.... he wanted them to suffer. :)

So here he was sitting here feeling extremely proud of himself for keeping a child happy (He of course of looked up how to take care of a baby but let's not talk about that-) he had already fed and changed her so now he was using two of his feathers to tickle the baby while he ate his bucket of chicken. after he finished his chicken he had found Y/n laying on the other end of the couch asleep so he thought he could take a nap.

About 2 hours later he had woke up to the smell of shit and a screaming baby on the floor. He had got up and picked Y/n up and sniffed her diaper "HOLY SHIT!" he said as he quickly turned away almost dropping you.

Let's just say the night ended with Keigo giving the child a bath because she had shit all up her back, him feeding her again and then putting her to sleep.

All for one 
Afo was sitting here sewing the child's stuffed bear while you just sat their staring as him looking at his faceless figure well except for his mouth of course. In his opinion you weren't hard to take care at all. You don't talk, you rarely ate and you just sat down on a bed in the room quietly.

(I'll make a 2nd part for Mitsuki most likely will be out sometime this week. I have no idea what to come up with-)

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