my second and last attempted to escape

Start from the beginning

Dipper's bathrobe:


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Bill's bathrobe:

(with traingeles on it)

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(with traingeles on it)


Bill POV:

(ahh~ he look soo cute in that) I thought to my self as we teleported to the Fearmaid and went to Pinetree's room. ''So Pinetree goes into your room and changes into the clothes that I give you, okay'' then he nodded yes and got into his room and I teleported to my room and get ready for my love queen tho be ready.

(again)Dipper POV:

we teleported to the Fearmaid and went to my room. ''So Pinetree go into your room and changes into the clothes that I give you, okay'' then I nodded yes and got into my room. I saw a blue-white t-shirt with a Pinetree on it, then blue shorts, white knee socks blue-white shoes and my Pinetree-hat on my bed so I took them and went into the bathroom and first I blow-drying my hair and in I then saw that my scares are not there (WTF but I cut my arms) I thought after five minutes I was done with my hair so then I pick up the clothes and put them on.

Dippers outfit without shoes and his Pinetree-hat (my work )


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After we were done I went to the throne room a little scared. When I went in then Peronica ran to me and said " Hi sapling, wow you look very nice in this outfit. Hmm- let me guess you're looking for Bill is that correct" I nodded then he speaks again" I can to bring you to his room" "th....thanks Peronica it wo...would ni...nice from" I said a little afraid how Bill's room will look like. after three minutes we were at a door with a triangle and an eye in the middle" we are here" she said and then he knocked on the door and Bill opened the door and said "Oh~ Peronica and Pinetree I want to come for ten minutes ago but someone calls me and I pick it up so- I'm very sorry if my Pinetree must wait so long" " no Bill I was done for three minutes so I- I don't wait long" I said with some stops because I don't want to make Bill mad.

Bill POV:

After Pinetree spoke I toke his hand and I led him into the throne room and then out of the Fearmaid but then Pinetree stopped and spoke" Bill but I can't go out of here when I trayed it last time I couldn't get out" "don't worry about it Pinetree the spell is when I or my friends aren't with you but if we are with you then it doesn't work." then we fall slowly to the ground then I gave Pinetree a blindfold over his eyes and I led him through the woods to a lake where was our picnic. When we were there I took off the blindfold "tada- Pinetree what do you say" "I think it's nice I like it, Bill" I was so much happy that my love, like this places then we seat down and there was lots of food but I saw that something is bothering Pinetree so I ask "Pinetree what's wrong" "it's just I will see my uncles and Mabel" " am sorry Pinetree can we speak about it later but aren't you hungry you don't eat last five days" then we hear that Pinetree's stomach was growling so I put him near me and take a sandwich and slowly feed Pinetree with the sandwich then I take something else for him and I watched his every move how he eats an appel without my help. After half one hour, I give him a kiss on the cheek he was shooked but then Pinetree ask "Bill can I ask you something" "yes Pinetree" "why do you pick me, and why do you say sometimes that I am yours?" I went silent because (I don't want to say Pinetree about the contract what his parents have done with me).


3th Persone:

Two people have painted the wheel of Bill Cipher then they spoke some words in old Latin and then there was a yellow triangle whit one eye. "Ahh

its good to be back wait I'm not at gravity falls" "NO YOU ARE IN CALIFORNIA. I'm Max Pines and this is my wife Helga Pines" "wait your parents from Pinetree and Shooting star then kids how *defeat* my" " I think so didn't you mean Mabel and Mason Pines" (so Pinetree have another name hmm- very interesting) the demon thought to himself then spoke" but now to the subject why you called my" "ohh yes we will do a contract with you" the parents said. "And about what hmm~" "we will that you let our little princes in peace but you can do what you want with the mistake(Dipper)." "hm okey just sign here and under there." then they both sign and the demon was gone.

*end of flashback*

Pinetrees Pov:

Bill went after my question into silent I became worried and I don't know why I feel like this because it's Bill Cipher my enemy then I put him into a hug and whispered "Bill its okey if you don't will speak about it you can say it when you are ready" "no Pinetree I will say it but I don't want to that you will hate my because it's not my fault" I was shooked (what isn't Bill's fault) I think to myself then I say "Bill what isn't your fault please say it to my please" I make a little puppies eyes and then Bill spoke. "Your parents *sniff* make a contract with me *sniff* that I should let Shooting star in peace and that I can do with you what I want, first I want to keep you as a pet for revenge but I fall in love with you*sniff* so I will make you only mine and for all eternity I'm so sorry Pinetree I know that you don't love my but we can try, please". When I hear that I became more feelings at one time (sadness that my parents hate me so much, anger on my parents that they aren't interested in what will happen to me, happy and safe that I am around Bill but also I was scared that I would be his and I couldn't see my family ever again) so I jumped up and I run more into the woods that I can think about it but Bill run after me but I don't look back after some time he lost me but I keep going when I saw a clearing there was a wonderful waterfall I seat there I don't know how long.

Bill POV:

I looked in the woods for Pinetree for about three hours then I hear someone crying and I know that it was my sweetheart so I went to him but when he saw me he backed up until he hit a tree with his back but I got near to him until our faces were a little apart from each another. Then he fell to his knees and I put him into a hug and I feel that he slovenly clam.

(After the next one-half hour)

" I'm sorry about it Pinetree but I have a surprise for you" "really *sniff* what is it?" he said still crying "I will let you one day be with your family and friends but I will be there in your shadow, in return I will that you will sleep for tonight in my room with me and don't worry I will not try anything. So what do you said." "but can you promise me that you will not do any sex with me" "I promise Pinetree" "okey I will take that but no tricks" then I take him again in the brighed style and we went back to the Fearmaid.

Hi, guess here is the next chapter I will do some out-time maybe three or four days but then I will work on the book again I promise.😘😘😘😘😘

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